A little chat

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Dereck pov

It's been 3 days since I became a hostage, trap in a room bored looking at whatever catches my eye through a window.I would have escaped but because of that stupid mutt, that drug and know I'm sick because of that stupid drug I can't and also I'm been supervised by too strong werewolf that stand outside the room 24 hours.

If my body wasn't this weak I would have beat them up. Unfourtanly I'm like a human right know and I'm unable to shift too. The only thing I can do is wait until I finally can shift to cat form and jump through the window and that's bye bye to all of these mutts.

''What are you planning with such face'' ugh is it that time again.

''Something that a mutt like you won't understand''

''Why do you call me that I have a name  and you know it since you sweetly call me by my name while you were in my arms the a few day's ago.''

''I did call you by your name unfortunately, but I don't remember saying it sweetly''

'' Whatever, do you want something my dear Dereck'' He did it on purpose the son of a ...

''Are you sulking because I said your name so sweetly and perhaps you want me to do it again''

''Sulking I'm mad as hell and if you dear call my name in such a tone I'm going too ugh'' I wish I could do something think Dereck think, what could hurt this stupid mutt.

''What are you going to do about it because if I remember correctly you can't even walk without holding something to help support you my little Dereck'' I'm so mad but he's right and that makes me even more frustrated. Just turn around don't say sh*t and ignore him.

''Dereck are you that mad that your face is really red even the ears'' Ethan then chuckles. Ignore,ignore,just ignore.

''Now the silent treatment, but really Dereck do you want something to eat, maybe a food you really like not something I or Papa cook even do they must taste good you don't leave any leftovers or something you want is there something you ever wanted''

Ever wanted, I had what I wanted freedom at least for a while until I had the bad luck of meeting you. But I know he won't let me go did I ever wanted something else in life than just escaping.

''I don't know what I want, I guest I never had the privilege to get or be giving something I wanted and food well whatever I could find or hunted.'' I slowly turn my head and see a surprise Ethan. ''Wait a minute did you just heard what I said!!'' How did he heard me don't tell me I said it out loud how humiliating I want to hide. Run for it well that's what I tried but fell. I started to see the floor closer but was save by the stupid mutt.

'' I'm speechless to what you said even do it wasn't ment for me to hear.''

He stayed silence that's new but even do it finally was quiet we were still in the floor and he had his arms around me in a weird hug I guest. This is new to me and weirdly it doesn't fell bad no, no. Dereck try to get up you stupid weak cat.

'' Just when I was conforble the cat had to realize just stay like this if you feel uncomforble then let's move to the bed''

'' I don't care if it's the floor or bed let me go this feels uncomforble you stupid mutt'' The true is that it feels weird maybe not weird is that I never been giving a hug before and whatever I don't have to make excuses to myself or give a reason why I want to stop it's my choice.

Ethan stands up with me still in a tight hug and walks our bodies to bed. He puts me in bed and when I think he finally would  stop hugging me he also lay down next to me and ones again raps his arms around me this stupid mutt.

'' You know Dereck I been thinking about you about what you said because you said it with so much sadness it maid both me and Laden sadden too. We though you didn't want us because we were both male but know it seems is because you don't know what trust, family, friendship or love is. Just by hugging you, you feel uncomforble and the reason is because no one ever gave you one and that made me think of all the things you have never experience In life. When you get better I want to show you everything you have miss. The first thing is to find your favorite food, have you ever eating steak before Dereck.''

Damm this pup left me speechless. When I get better I'm leaving as fast as I can but for know I'm hungry I wonder what steak is and how it taste.

It's been a long time since I updated I had updated before but for some reason it never show and when I tried to fix it just deleted puff disappeared and had to write it again but here it is hope you enjoy it 👍😁.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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