Behind the Scenes

Start from the beginning

"I-I checked her background again... And the whole thing... ALL the background checks were gone," the man swallowed. "Every single one we did on all the possible families were wiped from our systems."

My phone rang Dr. Who at this instant, probably saving the man's life, because he was the only person I would have answered right now, "Pritcher, why have you called."

I glared up at the man before giving him my back as Pritcher's low voice filled my ear, "Everything I had on Ashe is gone, Cian. Everything. My-my whole office is destroyed, all my files- hard and virtual have been taken or erased. There's nothing of Ashe here anymore, Cian."

"The hell did you say?!" I worked hard not to crush the phone. "Everything... Just how did everything-? The security system there is one of the best! We keep so many sensitive medical documents and so on there... To have a breach..."

I crossed over to my office chair, taking a seat, "How?"

I leaned forward, speaking into the silence once more, "We need to find out how. I'll get trusted men to work on it. Expect them, Pritcher."

I hung up, looking to the Etekstyvor once more, "You're lucky I still need you."

He swallowed, nodding his head.

Ashe P.O.V

I sat at the table, from the sounds vibrating along it as foods were placed, the table was quite large for the number of people seated. I sat between Aaron and Avery. Aaron held my left hand, the older of my two brothers while Avery played with my hair. I thought it was funny that Avery had this preoccupation with it, always finding some way or other to pet the length I keep mentioning to mom that I needed cut. Avery had almost cried the first time I mentioned it, grabbing my head protectively while murmuring no. It took Aaron a large amount of coaxing before he finally released me. I had a feeling that unless I did something desperate, the probability of getting my hair cut was extremely slim.

"Mom?" I turned my head towards where her footsteps echoed from as she placed another dish on the table. "How did we get here?"

"Why, we drove, silly," she patted my head before filling our glasses with what smelled like blood.

"But... I don't remember..."

"That's because you were half asleep when we left. Remember? You hadn't been feeling well the last few days, but Dad just got back and he really missed you, so we bundled you up and made our way here," Aaron simplified as I furrowed my brows in confusion. I couldn't really remember any of that, so I must have still been sick. "Ah, we had also been giving you medication for it that makes you sleepy, so maybe you were more tired than we thought, huh?"

They all laughed, and I couldn't help but smile, "You're right, I must have really needed that sleep."

"Speaking of, do you feel better, honey? I can bring you to your room if you're not up for it."

"Actually, I feel all better, Mom," I grinned toward her voice.

"That's good, because your father really can't wait to see you."

I faced downwards, rubbing one nail against the edge of another, "Do... Do you think... He'll like me?"

"No," I faced up quickly, eyes already filled with hurt, "He'll love you. In fact, he's been impatiently waiting to meet you."

Just then, the sound of footsteps met my ears, and I couldn't help but face their direction as they walked down what must be a set of stairs and a twisting hall until they finally stepped into the open doorway of the dining room. The room itself was quiet with only our slight breathing and beating hearts to disturb the moment.

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