"Rachel",said Lucy in a exciting voice and running towards her and hugging her.

"Hey kiddo I missed you",she said as she hugged Lucy and sniffed her hair.

"Yep I was right you still smell like blueberries",said Rachel as Lucy blushed.

"Wow and she is back from the dead",said the General which is there dad.

( A/N I don't really know his name it doesn't say)

"Says the man who tried to prove his point by slicing his wife's stomach with his kids in it and dying at the end",said Rachel in a dramatic way playing the whole thing out and laughing at the end.

"Wow you just had to mention that",asked General as Rachel smirked and nodded.

"Well you shouldn't have brung up my death Oreo",said Rachel scoring on General.

Erza and Lucy were looking at each other and then something came at them.

"You know you and Jellal are just like them two, but only that you don't call him Oreo and that y'all never dated but you did",said Erza as Lucy blushed in embarrassment.

"Hey Irene can Lucy have Thanksgiving with me and she can do Christmas with you guys",asked Rachel.

"Yeah, I mean like I'm okay with it she hasn't seen you in a longtime",said Irene.

"She hasn't never seen me",said General.

"She'll see you on Christmas or on Thanksgiving if I have a mission",said Rachel putting her arm around Lucy.

"Okay fine",said General as Rachel smiled and jumped up and down in the air.

Lucy and Erza were about to leave until there mother stopped them.

"You girls I need you to do a favor for me",asked Irene.

"What is that",asked Erza.

"Well you see your dad and I might have had a misunderstanding in the past, but I need you to make him mad in a way that his magic can trigger", said Irene.

"Why",asked Lucy.

"Because I know this might seem like he might be a girl, but he has been having these mood swings and the doctor is saying it might be because of his magic that is coming",said Irene.

"Well yeah like every wizard has it I even had it when I was doing my magic",said Lucy.

"Hey I gotta ask a question",asked Erza.

"Yeah what sup",asked Irene.

"Umm who do I get the interest for swords and who does Lucy get the element magic from",asked Erza.

"You got the skill of swords from him and Lucy got the elements from me even though I have a different element",said Irene.

"Oh now I know",said Erza.

"Were fin to head back to the academy",said Lucy as both sisters walked back. Lucy went to her room and was on her phone then Kagura came in.

"Hey Kagura what's sup",asked Lucy.

Kagura sat on Lucy bed then said, "My parents".

"What about them",asked Lucy.

"Well I can tell where Simon gets the shirtless thing from, but me and him act like our dad, but our mom is kind of over the edge I mean we look like her as well but it is just her personality and I'm afraid how it is going to go",said Kagura.

"It will be okay I don't really know if it's actually going to be good",said Lucy.

"Ahhh I wish you can have Thanksgiving with us because our mom needs somebody that is not afraid to be them self",said Kagura.

"Well I wish I could be there, but I'm spending it with my Godmother instead of my parents because she wanted me to spend it with her",said Lucy as Kagura nodded in understanding.

"What is your mother like",asked a curious Lucy.

"Well it's kind of hard to explain, she is like one of those Competitive Moms",said Kagura.

"Ah I wonder what it's like",said Lucy.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖 and
🍀 Happy St. Patricks Day🍀

 Patricks Day🍀

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