Rapunzel in the Camp

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I woke up to someone shaking me. "Hey, you got to wake up," the oddly familiar voice sounded annoyed. I propped myself up on my arms. "He said you would help me if I looked after you and I know you're exhausted from the day before, but I can't let you sleep any longer. Come on."


"Yeah, I  need you to get off my bed."

"Your bed? I feel asleep?"My feet searched for the ground and when they touched it, I felt a rough texture. 

"Yeah, you fell asleep while I fixed Darren up. Plus, I didn't want to expose you to the garbage pile he calls a tent." I heard some ruffling of blankets. I assumed Ivy was making the bed. I decided to stand off to the side.

"So what can I do to help?" I felt a little nervous, I only knew the basics of cleaning since everything I did in the tower was self-learnt cleaning.

"I need help taking care of a friend of mine. He got stabbed and I've been healing him. Unfortunately, he's at the stage of healing where he is growing restless, he just needs to sleep for a few more days in order to heal properly." Ivy rested her hands on my shoulders. "So I need you to listen and make sure he doesn't get up or leave his tent. I just came back from his tent and he's still asleep. It's best if we head over now before he wakes up and makes his 'great escape.'"

I nodded, "okay, I can do that, lead the way." Ivy held my hand and led me to her friend's tent.

"Rapunzel, this is Cade. He's an idiot and a stubborn mule. Most likely he'll be a big buttface when he wakes up. I'll be back in just a couple minutes to make breakfast and I'll bring him some. Just keep him put and ignore any idiotic thing he says." Ivy pulled me further into the tent and pulled me down. I reached my hand out which landed on the top of a chair, I lowered myself into it. "I'll be right back so don't worry." I smile and nodded. I heard Ivy retreat out of the tent and let myself relax. 

Ivy seemed nice enough, especially since she let me sleep on her bed, I have no idea where she slept. My eyes were still dry so I let them close. The air was dewy and smelled like pine trees and smoke. In the tower, the mornings were almost fresh feeling and warm. However, the morning in the forest smelled like moisture and felt cold. Though it still felt fresh, just in a new way that I have never experienced before. 

I heard a groan and the popping of joints. It seemed to be coming to my left. "Ah, what a night," he then paused,"and what a beautiful sight." The last bit was almost delirious sounding. "What's your name, darlin'?"

"Rapunzel, Ivy will be back in just a short few minutes with breakfast."

I heard Cade flop back onto his bed, "so you're hear to make sure I don't sneak out." I shrugged. "Ugh, Ivy can be so cruel. Though I guess she wasn't too cruel since she at least gave me a beautiful girl to wake up to." I played with my fingers and tucked some stray hair behind my ear.

"Thanks." He almost sounded like that one guard that kept flirting with my maids. Oh my heck, Cade was flirting with me. I was too shocked to even look in the direction I thought he was at. He seriously had only just met me one minute ago. I shook my head in disbelief. This must be the idiotic stuff Ivy was talking about. 

"So, I haven't seen you around before, where did Ivy find you?"

"She didn't find me, I was led to her." 

"Oh? By who?"

"Darren, he let me ride on his horse after I saved his life."

"Darren? Saved his life? What the heck is happening around here? It's like I've been in a three week coma when I've only been asleep for one night! This is exactly why I don't want to be stuck in this cramped tent for another two days."I smiled at his theatrics, I really preferred this Cade over the flirty one that was here just minutes ago.

I heard the tent flap open up, "hey lazy bum I brought you some breakfast."

"Ah, Ivy. You are a lifesaver. You bring me breakfast and make a girl sit here so when I wake up I can wake up to a face of beauty." There he was again. 


"Ow! Ivy! I was thanking you!"

"While also somehow being a big fat idiot. Rapunzel is nice and she doesn't need your idiotic words to be thrown at her. Now, apologize if you want warm breakfast."

"I was only complimenting her!"


"I'm sorry Rapunzel, I should have complimented you in a nice, appropriate way instead of being  in an idiot and saying it in an idiot way. Now can I please have my breakfast? Thank you."

With the sound of Cade eating his food the smell hit me. It smelled like oats and warm brown sugar. "Come on Rapunzel, I'll lead you to the campfire where I'll serve you some breakfast."

"What about Cade?"

"With food in front of him, that idiot isn't going anywhere."She pulled me up from the chair.

"That idiot's right here you know," Cade said.

"I know, Come on Rapunzel I can hear your stomach raving." Ivy pulled me out of the musty tent and into the fresh air.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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