The Thieve's Friends

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The camp came fully into view. "I have to go tie up Inferno, just hang on for one second." I gently let go of Rapunzel's hand and tied Inferno's stirrups to a tree branch near our camp's water trough. It had been hard to lead Inferno and Rapunzel at the same time, but Inferno was too exhausted to be stubborn, otherwise it would have been twice as difficult of a task. Rapunzel had her arms wrapped around herself as I approached her. "It's okay, we're at my camp. All of the people here are my friends." She nodded in understanding. I took her hand and headed over to Ivy's tent. 

"Ivy?" I peeked my head into the tent. Ivy is the timid one of the group. She has brown eyes and brown hair, with sunken in cheeks. Although she may look harmless, the sword that is always on her hip is not just for decoration. 

"Darren?" She looked up,"Darren! Oh my goodness, I thought you were done for good!" She hugged me tightly and pulled me back to look at me. 

I chuckled, "gee thanks, I love to know how much confidence you have in me." She rolled her eyes and looked at something behind me.

"Ah, and who's this?" She looked at me expectantly.

I pulled Rapunzel closer,"Ivy, this is my friend, friend this is Ivy," I whispered to Rapunzel,"She's the healer of the group."

Ivy narrowed her eyes, but quickly recovered,"hi Darren's friend. So, do you have a name?" Rapunzel looked reluctant.

"Um, it-it's Rapunzel." She smiled a little.

"Well, Rapunzel you look worn out, go ahead and lie on my bed while I took a look at the wound everyone's been worrying about." Ivy started preparing the medical supplies while I led Rapunzel to the bed and took a seat next to Ivy's medical station. In a hushed voice Ivy asked, "so where did you find her and why would you trust her enough to bring her here?" I took off my shirt and winced at the pain. Ivy inspected it before getting a rag wet and cleaning up the wound.

"It's more like she found me. She saved me from the knight. As for trusting her, she saved my life. If that's not enough consolation for you, she's blind. So she went even know how to tell anyone about this place. Ow! Be more gentle please."

"Sorry. You're going to need some stitches, but I'll put some more ointment on it to prevent infection. Who knows where you've been since this morning." She put the bloody rag in a bowl full of water and got the ointment ready. "Has she met everyone?"

"Just you and Will."

"You better introduce her to Grace before she's told by Will. I don't think she'll be as accepting to a stranger at our camp. Blind or not blind." She poured the ointment onto a rag and pressed it to my wound. 

"I know, I'll talk to her in private. Grace isn't as sensitive as she needs to be in some situations."

Ivy nodded in agreement. She then threaded the needle, but handed me a bottle first, "you're going to need this for this part." I looked at the label.

"Good idea." I took a few gulps and nodded for her to continue. "Do you think you could look after her?"

Ivy was eye level with my wound with her eyebrows brunched in concentration. "Her who?"

"Rapunzel."I continued to drink even though it burned my throat.

"I can't, I'm already busy watching over Cade." 

"Come on, she can help." My words had already started slurring and my tongue was turning into a thick sandpaper.

"How? She's blind."

I rolled my eyes, "just 'cuz she's blind doesn't mean she's useless. She's very intelligent and, I'm sure, I fast learner. It'll only be for the morning so I can talk to everyone else about the situation."

"Fine, but don't expect me to defend you in your decision for bringing her here."

"That's fair."

Tying off the knot, "there, now I just need to bandage it and you are good to go." Ivy delicately bandaged me and started cleaning up the area. 

"Thank you Ivy." I pulled my shirt back on and grabbed my cloak. 

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes, "just stay rested and wait until at least tomorrow before riding again. I can't have you opening the stitches again with all that jostling."

"Yes ma'am." I turned to Rapunzel who was cozily sleeping on Ivy's bed. I turned back to Ivy with pleading eyes. "Please?"

"Fine, leave her here I'll pull out my extra bed and blankets. It would be improper for her to sleep in your filthy tent anyways." 

I smiled,"It doesn't feel homey if you don't have some garbage here and there." I started walking out of the tent.


I stuck my head back in "Yeah?"

"The bottle dollop head."

"Ah, right," I handed the bottle back to her, saluted, and walked to Inferno to unsaddle him.

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