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3rd Person POV

 Tom was on his bed listening to some music, it has his favourite song

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 Tom was on his bed listening to some music, it has his favourite song. He began singing along with the lyrics.

 "If our looooove's a tragedy, why are you my remedy?

 "If our loooooove's insanity, why are you my clarity?"

 "Wow, Tom! I didn't know you were so great at singing!" 

 Tom yelled and jumped, turning to see Matt at the door frame. "H-hi Matt." Tom stuttered, quickly turning off his music. "W-what d-do you w-want?" 

 "Oh, I just wanted to... uh, asks you something..." Matt smiled, fiddling with his hair and taking a step closer to Tom.

 "Oh, uh, ask away."

 "Do you like Edd?"

 "WHAT?!?!" Tom squeaked, jumping up from his bed and running to Matt, grabbing his collar. "How do you know?"

 "Well, if I'm honest, Tord told m-"

 "The damn commie!" Tom yelled, letting go of Matt forcefully, he buried his face in his hoodie, obviously trying to hide his blush.

 "Don't worry! I-I won't tell Edd! And neither will Tord!" Matt ensured him, placing his hand on Tom's shoulder comfortingly. "I just wanted to know if it was true."

 Tom opened one eye and looked up at Matt, "R-really?" He stuttered. 

 "Really." Matt said, patting Tom on the back. "What do you like about him, anyway?"

 Tom seemed to hesitate before answering, "He's really caring... and kind, and he always helped me when I was depressed, in fact, he cured my depression. He's adorable too, especially when he's asleep."

 "I see... now, if you were to go on a date with him, where would you go?" Matt asked once more. 

 Tom gave him the why-are-you-asking-me-these-kinds-of-questions look and answered quietly, "Um, the park?"

 "Alright, I'll leave you alone now, you must want your privacy."

 "Y-yea... privacy..."

 Matt smiled and exited the room, he trotted to the couch and waited for Tord.

 Meanwhile, at Edd's room, Edd was drawing on his sketch pad, a portrait of his crush, Tom. "Argh, I keep messing the hair up! It's his most important feature, other than his beautiful chest, tight butt and... E-Edd! Stop it! You're going on about Tom again! And you're talking to yourself... just great." Edd rambled, roughly erasing the errors he made on Tom's hair.

 There was a knock on Edd's door and Edd desperately tried to keep everything away before he let the knocker in.

 "Edd? Are you in there?" Came a Norwegian voice, which Edd instantly recognised as Tord.

 "Y-yep just give me a second to clear u-" but it was too late, Tord had already let himself in and saw Edd's drawing.

 "What do we have here?" Tord asked with a smirk, walking closer to Edd. "It's nothing!" Edd squealed, holding his drawing closer to his chest. 

 "Doesn't seem like nothing." Tord chuckled evilly, grabbing Edd's book and snatching out of his hands. He took a good look at the drawing and smirked at Edd. "So you do like him."

 Edd blushed and snatched the book back, "Y-Yeah... don't tell him please!" 

 Tord laughed and patted Edd on the back, "Don't worry, liten en, I won't tell him." He sat on Edd's bed, "What do you like about him, anyway?"

 Edd blushed and answered, "I feel very safe around him, and he's nice to me and he helps me with a lot of things, not to mention he's the biggest goofball ever..."

 Tord stroked his chin and nodded, "If you were to go on a date with Tom, where would you go?"

 Edd blushed a deep shade of red and answered in a muffled voice that could still be heard, "The Park..."

 Tord smirked and stood up, "Well, must be going, see ya Edd." 

 "B-bye Tord..." 

 Tord sprinted downstairs and grinned as he saw Matt waiting patiently on the couch. "What'd he say?" 

 "Said he liked Tom's protective nature, said he feels safe around him, how about witness?"

 "He liked Edd's caring attitude and apparently Edd helped cure his depression."

 "Well I didn't know that."

 "Neither did I. 

 "What's next, anyway?"

 Tord chuckled and sat next to Matt, "We get them to go on a date, but make it subtle."



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