'~,Totally Original Chapter Name,~'

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Donnie sighed happily, drying himself off and sitting on his normal rock - of course, still keeping up the fact he is a wild animal by crouching on all fours. 

He'd already seen and played with Mikey today, so his curious, wide eyes looked around for the youngest and eldest, confused as why he couldn't find them. 

Smiling, he spotted them in a nearby tree, and gave a weird Japanese signal to 'Orange' to get over here. Mike noticed immediately and scampered over, jumping onto the rock and grinning, 

"What is it?" He asked, his feet already twitching from impatience, making Donnie smile widen, 

"Look up in Leo's normal spot," He said, pointing with his eyes up towards the comfy nest, 

"Oh!" The orange clad ninja giggled, finally jumping off the rock, landing at the foot of it and looking up at Donnie, "Should we join them?" He asked, an innocent look spread on his face. 

"Well I am tired," The purple clad said, rubbing his eyes, "Because of all that playing.. So, I guess we could-" He cut off and gave a yelp as Mikey grabbed his hand and yanked him off the rock, making people watching them laugh and making the tall turtle in general blush in embarrassment, but followed Mike up the ropes and into the nest of the two sleeping turtles.. Or at least it seemed two sleeping turtles..

"Hey guys," A strong but gentle voice said, and both youngers looked over to see a very awake Raphael being hugged by a cutely sleeping Leonardo. Donnie laughed, curling up as far away from the edge as possible, 

"Hi Raphie," He yawned before closing his eyes, "And goodnight Raphie,"

Mikey laughed, curling up besides Don, "Yeah, Night Dudes," He mumbled, holding onto D's hand like it was his teddy bear, 

Raph just glanced at them and gave a chuckle, moving himself and Leo away from the edge once more before turning his back to the nest entrance, "Yeah," He muffled, "Goodnight."




lol, so now I use 0's XD



Sorry Its short but at least I updated! Bai! 

ooooh, something spicy's happening in the next chapter! Heads up!

Also, check out 'when you go' by me and @reapergodsans its soo cool! Its a collection of new and forgotten plots we came up with! Basically, new updates BEFORE they even come out! COOOOLLLLL!

Bye my Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey lovers!

Run away, little blue (TMNT)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ