Chapter ten

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This chapter was made on January 31st, 2018. It has been rewritten since November 22nd, 2020. I am now a more capable writer who wishes to rewrite their previous work. Some details might change, old fans will notice, so some comments may not make sense.

You may notice the writing style change next chapter - I may have not gotten to that chapter yet, and am working on it currently. Sorry about that!

Notes - This chapter mixes both TMNT 2012 and TMNT 2003 - Do remember to look at this with a grain of salt; this is an Au of a sorts, and I intend to form it the way I wish. 

PS. Chip on a stick this chapter rewrite was over three thousand words long! Wow!
PPS. For those wondering about me being almost mugged and how I'm doing - I had to take a day off from rewriting to recuperate, but I'm feeling much better!


Leo broke out a jaw-breaking yawn, reaching a hand to blearily swipe at his eyes, blue, tired pupils opening to find nothing but darkness. At first, his brain didn't quite comprehend his situation. Dark? No, it shouldn't be dark. It was still early in the morning when he had last been awake. Blinking a little to clear his eyesight, he reached a hand out into the dark, palm pressing against something hard only a mere inch away from his head. His fingers instantly picked up on the familiar feel of wood on skin, and he withdrew his hand, clenching it into a fist before punching the barrier before him. Nothing.

Finally deciding to uncurl himself, he tried stretching his legs, only to be met halfway by another plank of wood, surrounding all four sides of him. Growling in frustration, he palmed again and the wood, nails scraping across the splinters and wrinkles in the new bark that just didn't seem to dent it.

'Shit.' Leonardo wasn't the one to swear in any usual circumstance, but this seemed like a good time. 'Where am I - what's happening?'

He let out a whine despite himself - he knew, reminding himself of Raphael and Donatello's firm plans, that he shouldn't reveal himself, however he was scared and drugged and he didn't like it. "Oh, baby." Cooed a voice, young and feminine. Leo stopped stretching his hands against the planks, head craning to listen. "It's okay, Blue. It's alright. Shhhh."

'The April girl?' The voice was muffled from the cage encased around him, however he could recognize that tone of voice anywhere - it was one of the first and longest voices he'd heard while here, after all. It was also just simply comforting. Like a mother cradling her young, similar to that of Leonardo's late father. It held something he couldn't understand, yet he would blindly follow anyway. Although with his father, he always knew why. With this girl however, his brain would not tell him its reasonings for calming down, nor the exhaustion that cast over him when she spoke. It was as if he were in a fairytale, and he let his eyelids slide closed yet again.


It hadn't been easy trying to keep Leonardo from the humans.

Believe them however when they say that they had tried. After a mere minute of Leonardo passed out, pressed protectively against Raphael's chest, the door had opened with a creak, the zookeepers peeping their heads in. Their wary eyes met with the mutants' own from across the room, and they slowly made their way in, holding what looked to be rope-slips; Similar to ones used on rescuing stray dogs.

Moving with precise accuracy now that they knew the turtles location within the enclosure, they were surrounded within the minute. One by one they had been picked off, until all that remained was Raph and an unprotected, sleeping turtle. The oldest had bared his teeth, trying to look threatening, and blindly had kept taking steps forward, towards the men and women until he couldn't feel Leonardo behind him anymore. Whipping around, he realized with a sinking feeling that they'd managed to slide behind him to grab his younger brother, and that just as quickly as they'd gotten him back, they had lost him again.

Run away, little blue (TMNT)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant