~capítulo cinco~

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Briarlight shrieked.

She had noticed a bit of cold weather on the journey upward, but she had been completely relying on Jayfeather for knowing where they were. Surely he had felt the rocky ground and the wind in his fur? Or was it the same when you went to the moon pool? I guess I won't know that for a while... she thought.

Jay feather hung his head. He looked so disappointed. In himself or in her, she couldn't tell. He gazed up at her. "We won't be back in Thunderclan for a while. We may as well take this opportunity to talk."

Even as he spoke of his family and his powers, Briarlight was barely listening. She was looking at his soft gray fur blowing in the chill of a mountain breeze, at his ears twitching when he recalled a memory, at his flashes of rage and of bliss as he recounted countless experiences and stories. A shiver wracked through her body as she remembered that she wasn't exactly built for extreme cold.

"How about we find a cave?" she asked, teeth chattering ever so slightly. Jay feather snapped out of his storytelling and realized Briarlight was still there, standing across from him, on a mountain.

"Of course. How about this one?" He gestured to a small opening (he could hear the water dripping from the ceiling) and began walking towards it.

Briarlight had to laugh. The cave was barely big enough for the two of them to fit. Then she imagined Jayfeathers warm body against hers, shuddered, and followed him through the short opening.

His pelt quivered slightly as it was pressed onto Briarlight's, and Jay feather felt a shiver go down his spine.  He hadn't thought the cave would be this small. However, it trapped in the heat, and being so close to Briarlight made him feel even warmer, for some reason.

He lowered his voice to a rasp as he started up from where he left off.  He felt Briarlight's fur grow warm. He cut himself off. "Maybe it's time to rest. We have a long journey ahead."  She subtly nodded her head against his, and he felt her gentle breathing and matched it to his own.  They fell asleep in sync, pressed to each other, warm feelings straddled between them.
guess whos back? let's go

idk what to call this, its Jayfeather x Briarlight fanfic thoWhere stories live. Discover now