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My name is Oikawa Tooru. Ever since I was twelve, I've been able to see timers on people's chest, close to their hearts. I have no idea what happens when the timer hits zero; but I've seen it happen before. The person's skin starts to glow a bit for a few seconds, and after that the timer scatters.

I've been able to see my own timer as well. It still has a pretty high number, though, so I'm not worried. My first experience with the timer, however, was quite horrible. The first timer I ever saw was my mom's. It said that she still had about 3 days, until the timer'd hit zero.

She was at work when it did, so I don't know what happened, but a few weeks after that she grew colder towards me and my dad (who didn't, and still doesn't, have a timer). She went to work earlier and came home later, too. 2 months after that, she left, and never came back. I'm not sure why she left, but I think it is because she met another man, and ran off with him. Even though she never treated me like her child, it still hurt, and up to this day it still does.

Luckily, I met my best friend Iwaizumi Hajime not long after that. I was able to share my pain with him and even though he didn't have any experience with anyone leaving him or treating him badly, he listened the most and acted the most understanding. I'm still thankful for that up until this day.

Iwaizumi's timer is still intact. His numbers are higher than mine, but just a little bit. I haven't told him about it yet. I'm sure he'd think I'm joking, or lying, or insane. I'm not even sure about my sanity myself.

I hope to find out what the timers mean, and that nothing will happen when my timer or Iwaizumi's timer hits zero. I will find out what happened and why I can see this. I want to find my mother. And I hope that Iwaizumi will accompany me on my journey, even when he knows nothing.

~~Thank you for reading my first fanfic! I appreciate it ^^ The next chapter will be about Oikawa waking up and seeing timers for the first time (12 y/o). After that, he'll probably be 18. Also, this story will be about a boy x boy couple. So if you don't like that, leave right now. Thank you once again! ❤️
P.S. English isn't my native language. If I make any mistakes, please tell me! 😊 -J~~

When The Timer Hits Zero. ~Iwaoi~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora