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"It has been five years." I sighed. We were lying on a sheet on the rooftop of our apartment, staring at the night sky that was full of stars.

"Ssstt. Five years or more, it'd be nothing to me. We still have many years ahead to try."

Daud turned his body to face me, so did I. He smiled. His hand gently stroked my hair and then he pressed his red lips onto my forehead.

I looked up to find his beautiful brown eyes and I couldn't help myself but smile widely. He wrapped his left arm around my waist while his right arm was under my head, pillowing me. He pulled me closer, hugged me, and rested his chin on the top of my head. I closed my eyes and though I couldn't see his face, I could tell that he did the same thing. We shared the same feeling when we were hugging; the feeling of loving and being loved.

"What if I can't get pregnant and give you a child?" I opened my eyes as the thought crossed my mind. "Will you leave me for another woman?" My voice got strained.

Daud was silent for a few seconds, getting me frustrated waiting him to say something comforting me. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lower lip. Then I heard his chuckle and he pulled me away so that he could see my face.

"That was the dumbest, most ridiculous question someone has ever asked me." He stressed each of his words and rolled his eyes afterwards. A devilish smirk plastered on his face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine. I laughed way too loud before kissing him back.

"I love you. Happy anniversary," he whispered.

"I love you, too. Happy anniversary." I ran my fingers through his dark hair then trailed down his chest before burying my face in his warm neck.


"It's been six years."

"Let's drop it. I counted that you said those words like ten times already, and it's only for today."

"I was just thinking...and afraid."

"I'd never ever leave you for another woman if it's what you wanted me to say. I swear to God. Does it make you feel better?"

"Yeah, it does. Way better."



"If someday we have a child, we'll name him 'Star'."

"It sounds like a girl's name though."

"Nothing's gonna change though. Boy or girl, we'll name them 'Star'. No compromise, Darling!"

"Okay, fine. 'Star' sounds stellar."

"Like it has to."

"So tell me about it, what happened between you two, you and 'Star'?"

"It wasn't about me but you, like you are totally the meaning of 'star' to me and I'm the dark sky. The darkest one. You light up my world, shinning like a brightest diamond that your glow enables me to brighten universe and others' life. You see, I'm just the darkest, dormant sky without you."

"But star does only appear at night."

"It comes out both day and night actually. But the sun makes it dim so you can't see its light during the day."


"Thanks for the compliment, Darl!"

"You're welcome."

"I love you. I savor every moment with you and more years to come. Happy anniversary."

"Butterflies in my tummy. Happy anniversary."

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