Daddy's little Spacegirl. Ace Frehley x reader.

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I woke up by something jumping on my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my beautiful daughter, holding her teddy bear in her tiny hands, jumping up and down on the bed. "Mommy, mommy, mommy. Wake up, we are going to see daddy today." Her voice giggled. "I am up, i am up." I told her and grabbed her tiny body to let her sit on my lap. She had some features of Ace in her face and i couldn't help but smile. I am married to Ace Frehley for 4 years after being 7 years in a relationship. After those 7 years of our relationship, we found out that i was pregnant and 9 months later i gave birth to a beautiful daughter named Scarlett. Ace was on tour with his band, KISS, and Scarlett really wanted to see her father, so i asked Ace if we could come and see him and the boys.

Of course, he agreed to it, since it was the last day of the tour and when i told Scarlett, she couldn't be any more excited. So today was the day that we were going to see her father. "Are you excited to see daddy today?" I asked her as she held her teddy close. "Yes mommy i am very excited. Can you do my makeup just like daddy's?" She asked. She had the cutest smile and i laughed a little. "Of course, but it is a little too early to get ready. How about, we are get dressed and we are going to make pancakes for breakfast and then we are going to get you a new t-shirt of daddy's band?"

I asked her and she got up and started to jump again. "YES." She screamed and jumped off the bed. I got dressed first, wearing a white top and black jeans. I grabbed Scarlett's hand and we went to her room. I let her pick out her outfit and she went with a floral dress and white shoes. We then went down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Okay, can you get the milk and the butter out of the fridge, sweetheart?" I asked Scarlett and she walked to the fridge and grabbed the milk and the butter. I grabbed all the other ingredients and together we started to make the pancakes. After a while, Scarlett and i sat down at the kitchen table and ate our pancakes. "Mmm, mommy these pancakes are amazing." Scarlett spoke and i smiled.

"Thanks, love. Are you ready to get your new shirt?" I asked her as i placed the plates in the sink. "Yes i am ready." I quickly went to put on my black heels and got the keys of the house and car. "Get in to the car and we are getting your new shirt." I excitedly spoke. We ran to the car and got in. Scarlett looked at me and smiled. "Can we listen to daddy's music?" She asked and i nodded. "Of course darling." I told her and started to play KISS. We went to the mall and looked for a shirt of KISS. "There mommy i see one of KISS." Scarlett told me and ran to the shirt. "I want to have this one." She told me. I paid for the shirt and we alked in and out different stores. When it was time for us to get ready for the show, Scarlett and i went home. When we arrived at the house, we went inside and i went to grab the makeup needed for her request.

I went back down the stairs and started to do Scarletts makeup. After 40 minutes, i was done with Scarletts makeup and gave her the mirror. "Thank you mommy." She spoke and gave me a hug. I went to grab her jeans and gave it to her. When she was ready, she grabbed my hand and we walked back to the car. We drove to the concert venue and i parked near the backstage entrance. Scarlett and i got out the car and walked to the door. The security guard smiled and let us in. We walked down the hall and walked passed the dressing rooms of Paul, Gene and Peter and we arrived at Ace's dressing room. He was getting ready for the show and smiled when he saw us. "Hello, princess and my queen." He smiled and picked Scarlett up and gave me a kiss.

"Hi, daddy." She smiled and kissed Ace on the cheek. "You look stunning, who did your makeup?" Ace asked Scarlett. "Mommy did it. Do i look like you Daddy?" She asked him. "You look definetly like me." He smiled. We talked for a bit, while Ace was getting ready. When it was time for Ace to get on stage, i kissed him good luck and so did Scarlett. We walked with the band to the side of the stage so we could look at the audience and the band. After the first 3 songs, the audience was very excited and the band started to play 'New York Groove.' Scarlett got very excited and decided to run on stage towards Ace. The band stopped and Ace picked Scarlett up. "People, this is my darling daughter and today is the first time that she is watching me and the boys." Ace spoke and Scarlett smiled.

"baby do you want to say something?" He asked her and she looked at the audience. "When i grow up, i want to be just like daddy." She smiled and Ace kissed her forehead. The audience were in an awe and cheered for Scarlett. Ace walked over to were i was standing and kissed my cheek as he gave Scarlett to me. He went back on stage and started to play New York Groove again. "That was very sweet of you, but you can't run on stage." "i just wanted to be with daddy, because this my favorite song." She smiled and hugged me. "I love you." I told her as she continued to sing along. After the show was finished, we went to Ace's dressing room and watched him getting his and Scarletts makeup off. "That was very sweet what she said." I told him with Scarlett sleeping on my lap.

"Very sweet, but for now, let's go home, she needs to sleep." Ace spoke and lifted Scarlett up and we walked to the car. Ace layed Scarlett on the backseat and got in the drivers seat. We drove home and when we got home, he lifted Scarlett up again and walked to her room. He took of her jeans and took smiled. "Good night, my little spacegirl." He whispered and kissed her forehead. He walked into our bedroom and smiled at me. I was already in bed, when he was laying Scarlett. When he got in to our room i was already asleep. "Good night, darling." He spoke and got into bed and wrapped his arm around me, slowly falling asleep.


this story was requested by januarybaby1993. Thank you for requesting this and i hope you like the story. 

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