"Please talk to me about it." Paul Stanley x Fem!Reader

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TW: Suicide


-Dear Y/n,

I hate to break it to you, but you are wasting Paul's time. If you don't break up with him, I will look for you and hurt you bad.It would be even better, If you killed yourself.

Sincerely, Anonymous.-

Y/n folded the letter shut and placed it in the bottom drawer of her desk. She had been getting those types of letters from the start of her relationship with Paul Stanley, but she never told him about it, because it would draw more attention to her and she didn't want that. Y/n wiped away the tears that were falling down her face, and got out of the office of her shared house with Paul. She knew that dating a Rockstar would be hard, but she never expected to get threatening letters. Y/n walked out of the office and passed Paul, who was sitting in the living room, playing his guitar and went up the stairs to their shared bedroom, where Y/n sat down on the bed, looking out of the window.

Y/n spent most of the time upstairs in the bedroom and when Paul went to look for her, he got a little worried of where she would be. Y/n wasn't in her office, so Paul went to the next best spot he would have a chance of finding Y/n. "Hey, doll. What are you doing here all by yourself?" Paul asked as he walked into the bedroom. "Nothing. I need to think for a moment. And I didn't want to disturb you." Y/n smiled as she finally looked at Paul, who immediately noticed that she had been crying. "Why were you crying?" Paul asked as he went to sit on the bed, next to Y/n.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." "Saying that makes me even more worried about you. Whatever it is makes you sad and I don't want to see you sad. Please talk to me about it." Paul worriedly said as he looked at Y/n, while moving to sit on the floor on his knees, taking her hands in his. "Ever since we started dating, i've received letters telling me that i am wasting your time, and that it would be better if we broke up." Y/n started as she looked down at Paul, tears now streaming down her face. "They also said that it would be even better if I killed myself. I am starting to think that they are right." Y/n said as she started to cry harder.

Paul wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug, while his hand were slightly rubbing her back, to sooth her. When Y/n started to calm down, Paul placed his hands on her cheek, making her look down at him. "You know, everything that they are saying isn't true. You are the most important person in my life, I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much, don't ever let anyone make you think otherwise." Paul told Y/n, who looked down at Paul. "Now, let me see that beautiful smile of yours." Paul smiled as he stood up and held out his hand. Y/n gave him a smile and stood up. "I love you." Y/n whispered before placing her lips of his.

After a moment, they pulled away. "Let's get ready to go to the venue." Paul said as they walked into the bathroom together, and took a shower together. Y/n got ready, wearing black jeans, a grey top and her black heels. When she was ready, she did her hair and applied her makeup, before getting her jacket and purse and walked down the stairs to join Paul in the kitchen. "Are we waiting for the others or do we meet them there?" Y/n asked as she grabbed a bottle of water. "Tommy is on his way. He should be here any moment." Paul spoke as he looked down at his phone. "You look beautiful, doll." Paul smiled as he looked up and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Thank you, babe." Y/n smiled. After a while, Tommy arrived and together they drove to the venue. Paul parked the car in the parking lot and got out. Y/n and Tommy followed him to where Gene, Shannon and Eric were standing. "Paul, give me the keys. I forgot my purse." Y/n said as she grabbed the keys from Paul and walked back to the car. When she grabbed her purse, she locked the car and walked towards Shannon, who was waiting for Y/n. "Hello, darling." Shannon smiled as she wrapped her arms Y/n, who hugged her back.

"Hello. Let's get inside, it's getting cold." Y/n said as she opened the door and they walked inside. "Paul told us about the letters you have gotten. Don't listen to them. You are not wasting his time. If I am being honest, I have never seen Paul this happy. You really bring out the best in him." Shannon said as they went to sit in the main area of the backstage. Shannon and Y/n spend most of the time talking and catching up. When it was time for the Boys to walk on stage, Paul quickly pecked Y/n's lips, before walking away.

Shannon and Y/n went to stand on the side of the stage to watch the concert. "I would like to say something. And I need someone on stage with me." Paul spoke after 'Calling Dr. Love.' and Y/n could see him walking over to where she was standing. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked as Paul grabbed her hand and pulled her on the stage. "I want to say something that made me quite sad. This morning, Y/n told me that she had been getting letters, telling her that she is wasting my time and that she should kill herself. If I ever find out who sent her those letters, they will regret the day they were born. Nobody threatens my Y/n."

Paul said in the mic, receiving a lot of applause. "Another thing. Y/n, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know what I would do without you. So, please make me the happiest man on this planet and marry me?" Paul asked as he sunk down to one knee and showed Y/n a beautiful diamond ring. "Yes. I want to marry you." Y/n cried as she looked down at Paul, who placed the ring on her finger and stood up, placing his red lips on hers. "I love you." Y/n whispered as Paul walked her back to where Shannon was standing, only to quickly place another kiss on her lips. "I love you too." Paul said back before walking back on stage.

After the concert, when the boys got dressed in their normal clothing again, they went out for dinner and celebrated the engagement of Paul and Y/n. 

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