Chapter: 1 Time Begins To Spin

Start from the beginning

My instructor dismisses us as we got to leave and be on our merry way of doing whatever when we got home. It was close to 1:30 in the afternoon and when I step outside. It was pretty hot, but it felt good to be out here than in that cold building where I shiver my ass off. It's so cold in there, I'm not surprise we didn't see our breathes in the classroom. I chuckled to myself as I went over to my ride that had my grandmother sitting in the front waiting for me to come out of my class. 

I quicken my pace as I quickly made my way to our car as I hop into the passenger seat closing the door. I put my computer down on the floorboard next to my feet as I slip on my seat belt. My grandma smiled at me as I smiled at her after I got buckled. "So how did your history class go?" My grandma asked.

"Fine. I'm basically just getting review of what I already learn except for a few parts that the game had switch around" I answered while grinning. 

She burst out laughing "Because of your Assassin's Creed game?" 

"Yup." I said with a chuckle. 

We decided to go to lunch at my mom's work, which she works at Subway. We couldn't talk to her when we got there, because she was busy with customers so we wait. I wanted to go home and start playing some Assassin's Creed III. I'm dying to play my lovely Connor! I chuckle to myself as my mother gave us free lunch because we were her family. I love Subway! They have the best freaking sandwiches on the earth. My mother and grandma got started on family issues and bills that needed to get pay. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes at them. I get so sick of them when they go on and on about this and that. It's just insane how they argue about what to do. 

A sigh escape from me and my mother and grandma was to busy to even notice. I play with my straw in my drink and decided to get a refill. I wanted to go home and play some video games. I sound like my brother who is overly obsessed with video games and will sit on his ass and play them all day long. I don't know how he does it, but he can. where like me I can only play so much until I'll start messing up and then I have to quit. If I continued any longer, I'm only going to screw up some more. 

I took a seat again as my grandma look over at me as my mother made an comment about her boyfriend. I made a face as my grandma said "'ll find out soon what it's like to love someone" 

"I rather not...guys are just to much hassle to even try loving their species" I scoffed while folding my arms and lending back against the back of my seat as I added "Plus...all the guys could died and be gone for all I care" 

"You won't say that until you grow up and get yourself a man" My grandma said with a smile. 

"I'm already many mores years do I have to wait for that? Then again I don't want one. I have a perfect excuse of not to have one." I said feeling a smirk tugging the corners of my lips. 

"And what's that?" My grandma asked.

"My mother and her boy issues..." I answered while giving my mother a narrow look as a smirk fill my features.

My mother roll her eyes as my grandma roll her eyes at me as well "You're going to be an old lady with thirteen cats living all by herself" 

"Right... those thirteen cats will actually be the death of me" I said rolling my eyes as I added "I'm allergic to them, remember?" 

"True, I guess" Grandma said with a chuckle. 

My mother sigh as a couple of customers came in and she had to get up to tend to her customers. "I'm ready to leave when you are" I said wanting to get out of here and go home to play some Assassin's Creed. 

"I'm ready" Grandma said as I stood up to throw our trash away and I had to help her out of the seat as I started to chuckle at her. 

We left Subway and started to head home as I turn the station to 103.3 the laser. My favorite radio station where they actually play my awesome music. Right now, they were playing Mz.Hyde by: Halestorm. A favorite band of mine that I would love to go to the Fair to see along with Chevelle. I would like to see a lot of bands that I do not get to see very often and they come here every year for laserfest in my town. I had to miss this one, because I didn't have anyone to go with to laserfest. I was pretty angry, but there weren't hardly anyone playing this year. A few that I like was playing, but other than that the others weren't there. 

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