|29| Drop It

1K 36 3

You | 8:11am

Hey Tommy!!

Thomas | 8:12am

Are you okay?

You | 8:13am

Yes? Why?

Thomas | 8:15am

No reason just making sure

You | 8:16am


Thomas | 8:17am


You | 8:18am

Thomas stop acting dumb, I know Carly told you to 'watch out for me'

Thomas | 8:19am

I want to know why she said that

Is everything okay (your name)?

You | 8:21am

Its nothing

Don't worry, I'm fine

Thomas | 8:23am

Please. I just want to help you, if there is anything I can do tell me

You | 8:24am

I said no

Thomas | 8:26am

Please (your name)

You | 8:28am

Leave me the hell alone Sangster!

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