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unknown number

sam is pissing me off again

sorry who?

sam. ex boyfriend, dickhead? Ring a bell

oh right yeh, i think you should date someone else to make him jealous and regret ever being a 'dickhead'

oh yeah? like who?

all the other guys i know are also assholes

like me :)

haha very fully carly, as much as i love you, i'm not into the lesbo stuff

wow don't you sound homophobic

also, not carly btw

well then who tf are you cause this is carly's number and i need to rant to her

names thomas, by i'm more then pretty sure this is my number love

don't try to flirt with me you creep

wouldn't dream of flirting with 'you brat'

fuck you 'thomas'

why are you putting  inverted commas for? my name is thomas!

also fuck you back

not like i'm going to fuck you but like fuck you

you know what i mean


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