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She held the gem closely against her chest, feeling the cold surface of the blue gem. _____ could feel the crystal gem's eyes stare into her back, she could hear their footsteps on the sand. She shot back a menacing look onto the gems, Garnet had held back Steven , Amethyst had prepared her whip in case.

_____ had held the gem with her life, trying desperately to make sure the gems won't get Lapis.

Pearl hadn't got the message, she had held out her hand taking a step closer towards the g/c gem. "____-" Pearl was cut off by ____ summoning her weapon facing toward the Gem, the bladed part almost barely grazing the gem on Pearls forehead. " Don't. Go. Closer." Still clutching Lapis' gem she returned her weapon and stood up.


Gem war


Readers POV

You cross your arms together, doing the diamond salute towards your diamond. You stood up and gave your report of the area as you wave your hands in motions. "This is _____ Facet 1F5L Cut 2xg reporting from the beta Kindergarten." You cover your mouth to shield it from the dust around the canyon as you use your diamond communicator to fill in your report.

Stepping in you could see new Quartz to use for the rebellion popping out, the war was going strong. You struggle to make sure you don't get trampled by the incoming Chalcedonies and Jasper's. Dust kicked into the air as you give in the state of the battlefield.

"The Lapis Lazuli assigned to the area is working on making a new kindergarten nearby." You pause for a bit to make sure they took notes, " It is going well." A Chalcedony runs towards you immediately summoning the gems weapon and charging, you dodge out of the way still continuing. " As you can see the Rebellion is fighting strong, the production of new Gems are currently satisfactory," you stated ending your report, your diamond dismissed you and closed down the communicator, you stored the communicator in your gem and left to find the Lapis.

From afar you ran to the canyon still looking for the blue gem while avoiding the gems trying to attack you. You felt a pair of hands grab your waist slowly ascending you to the sky. You look down to see water rushing in eroding the canyon.

" Hey ____! " Lapis had given a twirl in the air while holding you closely, you widened your eyes, you were up so high you could see the canyon. The Arizona heat had also helped in making it but it was usually because of the Lapis' excellent terraforming techniques.

"L-Lapis! Put me down!" You stammer as Lapis had switched from grabbing your waist to your arms making you fall for a split second. "Lapis!" The gem chuckled still flying on top of the canyon. She placed you down on the rock in a gentle manner, she stared into your eyes as she chuckled more her face getting a tint darker.

You chuckled as you feel the heat rushing into your cheeks. Her smile was adorable and the cute little laugh with snorts and giggles.

'She really is adorable,'

"It's impressive!" You say as you chuckle with her, she looked confused for a second processing what you said. You blush a bit and decide to explain "You're so calm but over in the other side you can see the war and chaos." Lapis stared at you at first with confusion, until she starts laughing. She holds onto your shoulder as support trying not to fall down to your dorkiness.

The two of you spent the day together checking the progress of the new kindergarten, you had fun hanging around the Lazuli and often spent a hole day with her. Sometimes she would carry you into the sky knowing you were scared of large heights. She was always there to cheer you up in the dark days of the gem war. The both of you were often paired together in missions involving colonizing earth along with an escort that was usually a quartz.

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