Chapter 12

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The chamber Liz got dragged in, has a small fireplace that she can keep burning. They make sure she has a pile of stacked wood to keep warm and the grand bed in the middle of the room looks soft and cosy. But she doesn't notice any of these things at first. Her initial reaction is to check the windows. But they're all closed, and the door went into the lock as soon as Chesterfield left her alone.

There's no way out. Not even the smaller side door by the left of the bed grants her access to the hallway that leads to the kitchen areas. The only door that opens, is the one to the bathroom and Liz throws it shut out of anger. She can't grasp the idea of being locked up by Lord Benton. And that he'd taken her house from her!

After pacing back and forth for quite a while, Liz throws some blocks on the fire to keep it going before letting herself sit down on the bed. It's silent around her. But it isn't a peaceful one. If they know she's planning to help Declan Harp, she might as well get married with Benton. Because that's the only way she'd get out of here alive. If Liz didn't, she is sure she'd face the noose.

All thoughts about Michael and Clenna disappear, worry for her own fate had the upper hand in her views now. Maybe she can feign total innocence, but Chesterfield hates her and will not let her get away with it.

The soft ticking of the clock by the bedside goes by unnoticed by her. Time goes by slow but eventually, midnight comes. Liz's still sitting on the bed, her face in her hands while crying when the sudden hard sounds of explosions are heard from outside. Jumping up and running to the window, Elizabeth sees the flames rising from the nearby camp before another explosion is heard.

This time it comes from the right and soon, the barn on Benton's property is consumed in angry flames. The shouts of the soldiers leaving the mansion, with Chesterfield first and Benton behind, reach her ears. As soon as they disappear into the commotion outside, Elizabeth strides to the door and starts pulling it. When that doesn't help, she uses her feet to kick it hard, but it doesn't budge.

Grabbing the doorknob once more, Liz uses all her weight to hang on it, hoping it would tear the lock but when the door opens with ease from the outside, she falls back on the wooden floor. Closing her eyes when heavy footsteps quickly approach her. Liz is sure that it's one of Benton's soldiers, no doubt giving the order to strike when she dares to escape.

"Get up," a warm voice says, making her open her eyes.

She gasps, both out of wonder and out of relief when Declan is bending down towards her. Grabbing her gently under her armpits to pull her up. "Are you hurt?"

Elizabeth can't speak, new tears streaming down her face and Declan his gaze travels up and down. "We've got little time. Let's move," he says, grabbing her by the hand and taking big steps through the hallway.

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