Chapter 5

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The living room of Lord Benton was always too warm for her. If Elizabeth could, she'd dress lighter every time she had to visit him. Not only the cold outside kept her from doing that, also the Lord's eyes were always on her. Dressing lighter would mean Benton would take advantage and stare at Liz even more. Nothing unnerved her like when he had his eyes on her.

This evening was particular warm. Or maybe it was just her imagination because this time, she'd been here with a mission. Liz couldn't deny the small beats of sweat rolling of her spine while keeping her smile plastered on her face. It was hurting her cheeks and sometimes, Elizabeth laughed out loud when the man told her some silly joke. The laugh escaping her lips sounded fake into her own ears... At the end of the night, her cheeks hurt from fake smiling.

Lord Benton was in a astounding good mood tonight. Letting her know more than once how pleased he was that she'd sought out his company herself. During dinner, the Lord couldn't help to tell her the tales of how he killed and tortured the natives in ways they hadn't seen before. He sounded proud about it and Elizabeth her hunger had faded as fast as the smile around her lips.

He'd excused himself but she'd regained her posture quite swiftly, leaning a bit forward on the table towards him. "How many men do you have, Lord? I can imagine it must be quite a number to keep an important man just like yourself safe from those savages?" She'd said it in her sweetest tone she could manage.

When Benton had reached out to her, laying his hand on top of hers, Elizabeth held back a shiver and kept her eyes on him. Without hesitating he'd told her that the men stationed close to him were around fifty four strong and Liz had pulled her hand back. A nod was given when the dining table was cleared by the maids and Lord Benton had escorted her to the living room once more.

He kept talking for what seemed like a century and Liz had stared into the flames of the hearth. Her mind drifting to Declan Harp who she met just that day. And the way he'd talked to her. His voice was strong and firm. His dark eyes pools of sorrow. But his composure would never give that away if you didn't pay attention. There was also kindness when he asked about her late husband.

Her train of thoughts got interrupted when a soft knock is heard on the door. Making Benton greet a young woman into the living room. Elizabeth stood up and nodded her head as a polite greeting. The young woman, just out of her teen years Liz guessed, looked uncomfortable being there. It'd made Elizabeth frown and look at Benton.

"Clenna Dolan," he'd said and the girl had asked him were Michael was.

The boy's name was unknown to Liz but her accent was unmistakably Irish. She'd noticed the uncertain stance of Miss Dolan when Benton told her he was captured by a man named Declan Harp. Liz didn't move when she heard that name but when she glanced at the clock, she'd laughed softly and bid her farewells. Of course, the Lord offered her an escort home but she'd denied it politely. It didn't raise suspicion because she always denied the escort of Captain Chesterfield.

Once outside, it seemed the cold settled right into her very bones and Liz has to take a few breaths in and out before she starts walking towards the West. Again, there was no suspicion if a soldier should've followed her because her house was that way.

Elizabeth did glance over her shoulder before rounding the corner that would lead her away from the main town and to the edge of the forest. It was dark except for the gentle light of the moon but she knew her way by heart. It took her only a few minutes to find the small waterhole and was surprised to find no one there.

She herself was a little late and had thought Declan would be here by now. Glancing around, Liz sees nothing except for the darkened shadows of the trees in the near distance. The wind was picking up speed again, making the trees bend and she pulls her scarf closer against her.

Too late she hears the footsteps behind her, the creaking of the frozen grass and the silence that followed when a strong hand comes to rest before her mouth. Taking her breath away and she's being pulled back towards the tree line.

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