Winterspell ( coup d'etat )

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Carla wasn't gonna let her reconsider her decision, she stood slowly and made her way to the door.

"One more thing," Vanessa stated before Carla could open the door.

Vanessa got up and walked to her stopping in front of her leaving only enough space between for a breath of air.

She held Carla's gaze for a bit and then "here" she said pulling a coat from the coat hanger and putting it around Carla, tracing her cheeks with her fingertips after doing so...

"for the kiss and no hard feelings ok? Everything I do is for my clan."

She turned and opened the door. Only to face some-one whom she'd now prefer the company of someone who she'd feel a lot safer behind.

His hair was cut short and now his cheekbones defined him chiseled and lean but all the while leaving an air of gracefulness about him.

His blue eyes seemed to radiate light in the semi-dark walk-way.

"Eric..." Carla wanted to jump in his arms again like she used to but she thought better of it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked after glancing past her at Vanessa. "You said you'd never come back."

His tone pulled up an anger that she'd buried and forgotten about, It was his insensitivity that had pushed her to leave before and now he was doing it again.

"It's, not like that," she stated "I want to borrow your services, I'll pay you whatever you want."

"Fine." He said after a while "but, let's talk somewhere else."



"Hi," I said greeting Tess at her front door.

"What do you want?" Tess asked.

Just as I thought... She's still angry at me.

"I was wondering if we could talk," I said softly. She looked at me and then "hang on a minute." After a while she returned and closed the door behind her.

"Let's go," she said.


"Where are we going?" I asked.

She didn't answer.

I followed her.

"Look, I just wanted to say-" I started.

"-That you're sorry?" She stated in a mild anger.

"Well... Yeah."

She stopped under the street lamp and turned to face me. "That's funny, you destroyed my life, took all my friends and turned my parents against me and you come back years later hoping I'll forgive you after an apology?"

She turned and started walking again and

I followed.

"I'm..." I started but realize I had no idea what to say "it's..."

"At first I was hoping that you'd fess up" she started "but when you didn't and I had to go to a different school I started to hate you, but when I thought about how you must have felt... I just couldn't bring myself to hate you. I started to feel sorry for you, the pitiful person you've become."

Soon we reached the park and she got on one of the swings.

"Does it still bother you?" She asked after a long silence.

I nodded.

"Good." She said and then "...say it..."

"I'm sorry," i said.

"That's all?" She asked.

"No... It was my fault, and no-matter how many times I say it it wouldn't be good enough, you were my best friend and all I can say is sorry." I couldn't look her in the eye as I said it.

She got off the swing and walked towards me, she raised her hand and I braced for it.

But instead she hugged me. "You idiot, I don't care about that anymore."


I felt the tears roll down my cheek.

"What took you so long?" She asked "what took you so long?"



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also if u'd like me to check out your book, feel free to post it on my message board or u know...message me about it.😊

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