A World With No Peace

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Years have passed by and Roxy has gone through many different schools, therapy treatments and different foster homes. She hated the homes. It didn't feel right to her that a happy family wanted a broken down and traumatized kid. She'd only bring them attitude and fight backs and pain just like she did with the last foster family and just as she'll do with the next.

She barley made friends and the only friends she ever made always seemed to make her act worse. Doing drugs, trying alcohol and flunking all her classes is all Roxy knows in her world. There's nothing else better that she'd rather do than hit a blunt behind the schoolyard or spray paint the bathroom walls with her tag while skipping class. It's all wrong and she knows it but there's no one to talk to, no one to hold anymore. There is only her, just her. Alone and scared there's nothing she can do and no where she can run and that's something we all fear sometimes.

The second bell rings and I'm already in the school bathroom with my bag of spray paints. "Heh, the school really thinks painting over my tags is ever gonna stop me" I mumble to my self. I put down my bag and open it up. The smell of paint overwhelmes me as I reach in for my mask. I put my mask on and grab a red spray can. I wander back and forth trying to find a perfect spot to tag and that's when it hits me, the perfect spot. Right across the mirror, everyone will see it and everyone will know my name. I start to spray the paint on the mirror making sure to spell my name big and clear adding a star at the end. "Roxy the star. Sounds suiting." I hear a familiar voice come from behind me. It's Isaac. Isaac is one of my many complicated friends, his skin is like milk choclate but with eyes that shine like diamonds bright blue in color. "Oh ha ha very funny to sneak up on a girl with spray paint" I say sarcastically, "Well you wouldn't spray me, you love me too much" He says in response with a smirk wide across his face. I roll my eyes and put my paint can away. The last thing I need right now is Isaac staring me down. "What do you want ass face?" I say with no regards to his wandering eyes, "just wanted to admire a beautiful face and sexy body" he responds. I sigh and roll my eyes once again. Me and Isaac had a fling not official but we were flinging alright. I ended things but he just can't get it through his pretty little head that I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

"So I heard it's your birthday tomorrow princess. Any plans?" His words echoed through my head. My birthday, the day I'd rather forget. The thoughts burned through my brain and I hate it. "God please Isaac I told you not to mention that cursed day" I say with a snarl, "Oh come on princess the incident wasn't your fault." I'm annoyed now "SHUT UP YOU CUNT BUCKET!" I yell. I felt my face turning red with anger. This is why I ended things. Isaac leans in to try and grab me but I push him away sending him tumbling down to the floor. "I told you before and I will tell you again, YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME BUT A FUN TIME. YOU WERE ALWAYS NOTHING ISAAC!" I snap while towering over him with crossed arms "I never loved you..." I know too harsh, I see it in his face. What I said finally stung but maybe a bit too much.

It stings. It hurts. And I know she's angry and might not mean it but why does it feel like she does. I've always been a terrible guy and more known as a player but everything changed when I saw Roxy.

She was a new kid known to transfer from schools often, she was mysterious. No one knew her intentions and she was the talk of the town. "The new girl is a total whore." they said, "I hear the new girl killed her parents." they mocked. I never listened though. I got to know Roxy on my own and of course it took some sacrifices but I got there eventually but there was one night. A night I won't forget. My house was empty no parents and Roxy stayed over. She was beautiful but scarred and then she asked it. A question I thought she'd never ask "Have you ever a had sex before?" She ask. It was asked in a curious tone and who am I to lie to her. "Yeah, heh not my best award winning deed but you know" I said. She blushed but smiled. It all just happened "Will you teach me what it's like?" Those words will forever echo in my head. And just like that we became closer putting our raging hormones to work. From there we were always seen sneaking off together doing things together and I don't know what I did wrong but I'm guessing she wasn't ready to make things official.

Now here I am lying on a cold floor being stared down at as if I was some type of poison. She hates me and I know it. "Fine. If that's how it's going to be then I'll just leave you be." I said. I got up off the floor and dusted my self off "Have fun being the whore of the school" I said harshly. Tears stung her eyes and I could see it but who am I to care anymore. I walked out leaving her alone she doesn't need me anymore.

Tears rolled down my eyes. I hate him and there's nothing I wouldn't want more then to end him. Why? Why me? This world is crumbling around me and I wish it would just crumble faster and get it over with.


I heard yells. What's going on? I walked outside to see the giant bombs heading our way and the flourishing fire that was spreading like crazy. ATTENTION STUDENTS OF ROCKABELL HIGH! PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. TERRORIST ATTACKS HAVE BEEN MADE PLEASE STAY SA- the loudspeaker cut off. Something doesn't feel right. There has never been a terrorist attack before. All countries were united and there have never been wars so why now? I ran down the hall. Military soldiers swarmed the place and they looked like they didn't come here to help us. I ran faster zooming down the stairs as fast as my feet would let me. "AIM! FIRE!" Before I know it blood is spewing everywhere, shots are being fired, and kids are dying. I can't explain what's going on but my main focus is getting out of here and quick. I reach the exit and run out into the forest behind the school. It's chaos out there. I have my bag with me and luckily I have some snacks but I don't think that's going to keep me alive or safe forever. Be careful what you wish for I guess. Objective one: find some weapons and run.

🌸Hey guys! Hope your enjoying the story so far. War has been set between the government and the civilians and know one knows why. In the next chapter Roxy has to defend herself she learns to trust know one and trains herself new skills she will need later on. Stay tuned for the next update! 🌸

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