Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Corinne Here! I'm a musician, and I decided to give composing a try, so I wrote theme song for Time Turners on the clarinet! If you enjoy iy, it would be awesome if you check out my other covers! Now on with the chapter!

Corinne POV

Logan and I continued to scale the mountain, keeping a look out for dad. We sa very many dinosaurs, many of which I had never heard of before. Thankfully, we weren't attacked, as we had the raptors gaurding us. As we neaared the top of the mountain, something caught my eye. "Wait, what's that?" I ased him, gesturing to something on the ground. "I don't kow," Logan answered, picking it up. "Some kind of book," HE handed it to me. I opened it and began to read:

"Jurassic Period - Day 3

3 days here and I cn't fand anything for my curent assignmet on dinosaurs for work. So, now I'm headed to Washington, DC in 2053 to gt some details on the furture"

"Logan, I think this is Dad's notebook! You know, where he keeps his scientific discoveries!" Logan skimmed trough the notebook as well. "Look's like he was in a hurry when he wrote this last entry, the handwriting's all messy." He said.  "Yeah." I said, "Well, I guess he's not here anymore, so we should head  out to DC," I said, pulling out the pocket watch. Logan put his hnd f it. "Washington, DC, 2053." We said in unison. Once again, everything went white.

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