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Amy pov




Okay so today is my first day at college

North Jackson to be exact

And I have anxiety and now I'm on the edge of a panic attack

Great, so little about me
- my name is Amy
- I have anxiety and a eating disorder
- I am shy
- and I am gay af

Pansexual to be exact, again

I don't care about gender

Story time: when I was in middle school (8th) I was sitting in my best friends house and we were on the roof. Her parents were not home and she actually kissed me. I don't know why and it lead to this whole high school coming out and bah bah

Didn't help my parents didn't care about me

So now I'm hear at Jackson


I walked up to my apartment and it was small

Cute but small

Only a bedroom and a bathroom.

At least it was clean

So it was all well for a while
No panic attack
No anxiety

But then it hit me again the feeling of anxiety rushing through my head I just pulled out my pocket knife and cut.

And then she walked in and my heart when boom

From anxiety


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