Meeting A Nun

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After my fun with Isami in the shower I got dressed and went down stairs and got me something to eat and left to go walk around to figure out my way around town so I wouldn't get lost. When I was walking around a corner I bumped into something or should I say someone. I looked down at the person who fell and It was a woman in A nun outfit with blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

 I looked down at the person who fell and It was a woman in A nun outfit with blonde hair and emerald green eyes

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YN: I'm so sorry, are you alright miss?

?????: Huh, oh I'm fine and It's alright I wasn't looking where I was going.

I brought my hand out for her to grab onto as she put her hand in mine I lifted her up not to hard but enough for her to stand.

YN: I'm YN.

Asia: A pleasure to meet your acquaintance my name is Asia.

We Shook hands and then she asked me a question.

Asia: Would you know where the church is?

YN: Actually I do I just passed it so I'll take you there.

Asia: Thank you YN.

And with that me and Asia made our way to the church and me and her were having a conversation when we came upon a kid who hurt his knee so Asia crouched down to the kids and emitted a green light from her hands when she removed her hands the boys' leg was healed and we were on our way to the church. She told me about how she has a sacred gear and her's is called twilight healing said it was a gift from god and how she got casted out of the church she was from because she healed a devil without knowing which made me mad because you shouldn't be basically abandoned because you heelped someone no matter who the person is.

15 minutes later

We arrive to the church Asia turns around with a smile on her face.

Asia: It looks like we've arrived.

YN: yes it does.

Asia: Would you like to come in and have some tea?

YN: I'm sorry I gotta go to school or I'm going to be late.

Asia: Oh.

She says while looking down sad.

YN: Look we can hangout some other time this week.

She instantly gets real happy and smiles

Asia: Thank you.

As she hugs me and then quickly releases when she realized what she did.

Asia: I'm sorry I gotta go bye.

She then runs off into the church and I leave to go to school thinking about how a sweet and innocent girl like asia could get kick out of a church just because she healed a devil. I went on my way to school but little did I know i had a brown haired rat following me. I wasn't prepared for what came next

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