Chapter 3 - Afraid to fall, afraid to lose

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I’m not going to the mall with Jack. I’m breaking my promise. After school, I hurrying to Nick’s car and went home before Jack sees me. Whatever.

“What are your plans this afternoon?” asked Nick as we’re on the way home.

“Juicing smoothie and watch mean girls till my brain asleep,” I answered.

“Sist are you okay? Are you here?” Nick looked at me quickly then looked again and focus driving.

“I’m here,” I said.

“What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

“Nothing,” I answered.

Nick, please stop acting like you care. Nothing can cure my feeling except if you know the purpose of Jack asking me on a date. God Candace! I mean, Natalia! What is wrong with you? You’re not into Jack! You’re not in love with him! It’s just a date and it’s totally fine.

No it’s not fine. I’ve never been asked out before. Even George hardly ever asked me to go on a date with him. I hate myself. What the hell should I do? Should I trust him? No. I am not going to let him hurting my heart, not again. I’m not going to let him steal my happiness along with my feelings. I hate him. I hate boys. Why does love have to exist? What even the purpose of God creating such a dangerous thing that survive humans? Can I marry myself? Instead of boys who suck the happiness out from you?

“That’s it. Girl, we are going to the doctor,” Nick said.

“It’s not funny stop it, I just wanna be at home” I said.

“Is something wrong?” Nick asked once again.

“You ask me one more time and I’ll finish your ice cream in the fridge,” I said.

“Okay deal. But you have to tell me,” Nick answered.

“Nothing dude stop it,” I said. “Is it about a boy?” Nick answered.

I can’t ignore him. He always helps me solve my problems. He is my hero.

“Is it Jack?” he asked again.

“He asked me out on a date,” I said quickly.

“Well then, when?” Nick asked me.

Once Nick curious about something, he will either ask people about it or do a research himself. Nick worked in the school’s magazine, so he is very good at investigating (which means that he’s a dangerous stalker). So instead of him doing a research about Jack, it’s better to tell him the truth. No. It’s none of his dumb business.

“I don’t wanna talk about this,” I said as I’m laying down my head press the wall.

“You don’t like him?” Nick looked into me as if he’s trying to read my mind by looking into my eyes.

“I haven’t figured out yet,” I said.

“So, do you wanna go out with him on a date?” he asked.

Why do I have to make this decision right now?

“I don’t know Nick. I hardly ever know him. And Ingrid said that he’s a player,” I said.

“Then who do you believe more? Ingrid, Or Jack?” he asked.

“Ingrid is my best friend,” I said.

“She knows Jack better than I do,” I said again.

“Ok. I won’t force you this time. But promise me to do a good activity today. Stop thinking, start doing something to waste your time,” Nick said as he’s parking the car in the garage.

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