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Amari sat in the Mystic Grill, a glass whiskey in hand as she watched Serena smile and laugh as she played pool with some humans

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Amari sat in the Mystic Grill, a glass whiskey in hand as she watched Serena smile and laugh as she played pool with some humans. They never tried to make a move on her and treated her with the utmost respect and whenever anybody else tried to come up to the young witch, they would be scared off by the two human males who kept Serena company. All of this, only because Amari compelled them to do so. Amari's paranoia and determination to keep her promise to the girls' ancestors who once saved her life, cause the vampire to go just a little overboard when it comes to protecting their bloodline.

She saw how some men eyed Serena, she knew they were drunk and it didn't help that Mystic Falls has other supernatural creatures roaming around, other vampires like the Salvatores, the doppelgangers friend, Caroline Forbes, and Katherina Petrova, who Amari found out was currently tucked away in her underground 'cell' where she is too desperate. There was another witch, a powerful witch, Bonnie Bennet and now there were also werewolves. Amari was prepared to kill every single one of them if they were to decide to cross her and attempt to exploit Serena as her weakness.

"Get up, we're going to Richmond to get in touch with Klaus."

Amari turned around and stared at Damon. "Richmond? Why there?" She asked after she downed the rest of her whiskey and turned back to watch Serena as she jumped around after she ended up getting one of the balls into a hole. Serena looked over at Amari and grinned, before returning to her game, high-fiving her new found 'friends'.

"We are going to find a guy named Slater he supposedly knows how to find Klaus, according to Rose. You," He pointed at Amari. "You're coming with us seeing as you know so much about the Originals. So, up you get and let's go."

Amari looked over towards Serena. "Serena is coming with us," Amari stated as she stood up and was about to make her way over to the witch.

A hand wrapped around her wrist, stopping her from going any further. "Or you could leave your friend here and stop suffocating her. Stefan and Caroline can look after her." Damon replied and nodded over to a table, where indeed the two blonde vampires sat. They noticed her stare and nodded at her, confirming what the oldest Salvatore just said.

"Anything happens to that girl, and I will drown every single person in Mystic Falls in their own blood. Am I clear?" Amari demanded addressing all three vampires. They nodded, albeit reluctantly and with one last glance at Serena, Amari turned on her heel and left. Following Damon out the door and into a black SUV, with window tints, blocking out the UV rays from the sun. 'Somebody doesn't have a daylight ring' She smirked as she looked down at her own hand, the ring was a gift from both Elijah and the witches who saved her life.


They were once a happy family, the oldest, Amari, always sought to care for her younger siblings. There was Jason, the second oldest, though younger by four years. He was the heart-throb of the family. Girls flocked around him, confessing their undying love for him, hoping that they would be the ones he was to marry one day.

Next, there was Julius. He was the smartest out of all of her siblings, he was the musical one. Often playing the flute for his family and the village in which they lived. He was their mothers favorite, though the other siblings may have envied him for it, they could see why he was. He was always calm and would always be the one to stop fights when Amari nor Jason was capable of doing so.

And then there was the youngest. The one everyone sought to protect from the harshness of the world around them. Their youngest sister Cecile. She was eleven years younger than Amari. Only a little baby in the older girls eyes. Her dark hair and fair skin were enviable. It was quite clear that from such a young age the girl would grow to be beautiful.

They protected each other and their mother. Their father could be cruel and was prone to infidelity, from which Amari was a product of. He would abuse her and show her great disdain, though she never let it get to her. She knew she was a constant reminder to both her parents of her father's infidelity, but she never minded it, as long as her younger siblings were not harmed. Of course they never knew what would happen to her, and instead, they admired the man.

This happiness though was soon taken from them. Their father slowly began to grow crueler by the day, his old age only making him madder. One day, he took things too far and almost killed Jason, and as an act of revenge Amari slit his throat while he was asleep. Her family found out the next morning when Amari told them of what she managed to do, how she saved them. In turn, they shunned her from the village, the girl was left alone in the woods, to fend for herself, alone and scared, left alone to fend of the beasts of the night, those men, and women who would once a month, upon a full moon, turn into wolves and kill. She was sure she wouldn't have survived had a young woman not been in the woods that day collecting herbs. Her name was Adeline Blackwood. Through this woman, Amari learned that beasts that haunted her village, her former home, were werewolves, how not but a hundred years before a new monster was created by another witch, Vampire, and she learned how Adeline herself was a witch, a keeper of balance and a protector of nature. She grew close to the witch and soon she would meet the monsters that were now feared by all, only to learn that she should not believe rumors until they have been proven true by her own eyes.


Amari was released from the memories that confined her to her past when her phone beeped, alerting her of a message from Serena. She sat up and glanced at Damon and Rose who were talking up front.

'Where are you?'

'Going to Richmond to follow a lead, stay with Stefan and Caroline, the two vampires. Don't tell them that you're a witch. I'll be home soon ~ Amari."

With that, she turned off her phone, just as Rose parked in an underground parking lot.

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