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a lot of you will probably not see this. wattpad sucks with notifications now, but fuck it.

ive been gone, i know it. a lot of school work, stress, all of the sorts that you can possibly think of, even heartbreak. i went through a very sad moment in the last few months of my life, but i'm definitely okay now. i'm happier and better than ever. i'm happy.

my life has been a train wreck of emotions ever since i left and stopped writing. i do write when i feel like doing so, i have a lot of drafts, but i cant bring myself to finish a fic, because i simply have no more motivation to do so. im not upset with this, because i knew that one day that i'd fall out of writing kellic.

i started writing kellic when i was about 12 or 13 years old, and now i'm turning 16 next month, on july 30th. i loved writing with all of my heart, i loved updating for you guys, but as the time kept going on, i started moving on, getting into relationships, taking my classes seriously, et cetera.

kellic has been gone and dead for a while now. i dont listen to sleeping with sirens anymore, and rarely pierce the veil. some of my favorite bands now are roam, trophy eyes, neck deep, creeper, waterparks, et cetera.

ive been very active on instagram and other apps though, so ill be droppin' my socials at the end of this note later on.

thank you for this beautiful journey that i've been on for years. i never expected to have such a large follower base, 1 thousand people is so crazy to me. i remember when i started bleeding little blue boy, as fucking awful of a story that is, i went from 20 followers to 75, to 200, to 400, and so on.

im very happy right now. some of you have been dming me, and i'll be getting back to every single one of you. im in love with a boy who lives literally across the world, and life has been crazy. i will never forget you guys, i will check in once in a while to see how my profile is doing.

i am leaving my fics up, and i am leaving this profile up.

my social medias:
ask.fm: settpaige
weheartit: bxbypaige
(i wont give out my tumblr because its nsfw ;))

live on and take care of yourselves, friends. i love you all.

update on april 15th, 2020: i still love yall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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