Chapter 18

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A Few Minutes Later...7:52 AM

Jane and I enter the E.R. and make our way over to the front desk.

"Hello ladies. You must be here for the rape victim that just came in. He's behind curtain number four." Stephanie says to Jane and I.

"Ok...thanks Steph." I say.

"You're welcome Detective Rollins-Benson." Jane and I make our way to curtain four.

"Hello name is Detective Rollins-Benson. I work for the special victims unit. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Nothing happened to me. I'm fine. My boyfriend got a little rough with me...that's all. I would appreciate it if you left...please."

"That's not what happened Nick, and you know it. Tell the nice Detectives the truth. Your boyfriend raped you."

" he didn't mom. We had consensual sex."

"No you didn't."

"Yes we did."

"No you didn't."

"Yes we did."

"Ok...that's enough. Ma'am...can you please leave. We need to talk to your son in private."

"I'm not can't talk to my son unless I'm here. I know the law."

"Ma'am...your son is 17. According to the law, we have every right to talk to him without a parent present. Leave." I say as pleasantly as possible.

"Ass hole." The mom mumbles under her breath. I roll my eyes. After she's gone, I walk over to the bed, so I can talk to the boy.

" name is Nick Andrews. I'm 17 years old, and I was raped by my boyfriend." Nick says.

" you want to tell us what happened?" I gently asks Nick.

"My boyfriend Jake and I went out to dinner last night, and after dinner, we went back to his place, and we started fooling around, and one thing lead to another and he raped me. I didn't want it to happen...I told him no several times; but he kept on going. After...after he ejaculated inside of me, he got off of me, got dressed, and told me to leave. I went back to my parents house, and told my mom what happened to me, and she brought me here." Nick says. I finish writing down what he says, and put my notebook back into my shirt pocket.

"Can you turn your head to the right please?" Jane asks Nick. Nick does as he's told.

"Thanks." Jane says as she snaps a picture of Nick's bruised right cheek.

"If you need anything, and I mean anything...I want you to call me, ok?" I ask Nick as I hand him my card.

"Ok...thanks Detective Rollins-Benson."

"You're welcome Nick. Have a good night." Jane and I leave. We find his Doctor, parked next to the nurses station. We walk up to her.

"Hello ma'am. Can you tell me what's wrong with Nick please?"

"Other then a broken rib and a broken nose, nothings wrong with him. Here's the rape kit." Doctor...Michaels says to me as she hands me the rape kit.

"I didn't find anything. No anal taring...nothing. Personally, I don't believe he was raped." Doctor Michaels says.

"Ok...thank you ma'am." I mumble. Jane and I take our leave.

A Few Minutes Later...8:05 AM

We're on our way back to the station. I'm driving.

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