Love Finds You - Part 3

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Chapter 3

 Jen awoke Friday morning and looked at her clock; 7:34. Aunt Gabby must have chosen to sleep in today otherwise they would already be out working in the garden. Jen made her way downstairs, planning on making some yummy coffee and sitting on the back-porch swing with Aunt Gabby. It was interesting to her how easily she had become comfortable with this place. How it really felt like home.

She turned the corner towards the kitchen and her stomach dropped as she saw the outline of a man standing by the sink! She let out a shriek and he whirled around, dropping his mug of coffee. Hot liquid splashed across the kitchen floor and the cup broke into pieces. Jen ran to a drawer and pulled out a large knife, pointing it at the stranger as he reached for a towel to wipe up the coffee.

"Who are you?" Jen demanded.

"Whoa, lady calm down!" the stranger said; his hands up like she was holding a gun. "I'm just a friend with no particular desire to be stabbed by a crazy woman."

Jen stared as he slowly bent down and began sopping up coffee. "What do you want?" She was poised, ready to strike.

"Two things," the man said without looking up at her. "First, I want you to put down the knife. Seriously, you could hurt somebody. And second," he stood and moved to the garbage can to drop in the soaked paper towel, "I want another cup of coffee." He glanced toward the ground where mug pieces and small puddles of brown liquid still spotted the floor.

"Do you make a habit of walking into people's houses and drinking their coffee like you own the place?" Jen tried to sound threatening; she still hadn't put the knife down.

"Not usually, but I didn't know Aunt Gabby had company. I apologize for scaring you." He finished wiping the floor and carried the last pieces of broken mug to the trash. "I really liked that mug," he mumbled to himself and then looked up at her. "Will you please put the knife down?"

Jen looked him up and down before slowly lowering the knife. "You know Aunt Gabby?" she asked hesitantly.

The man smiled and Jen noticed a dimple in one cheek. It was barely visible through his dark facial hair. He didn't have a beard, but he clearly hadn't shaved in a few days.

"I do know Aunt Gabby; I help her out when she needs it," he said. She met his gaze to see if he was being honest; his brown eyes and dark hair combined with a handsome, tan face made Jen forget her question altogether.

Just then the back door opened and Aunt Gabby appeared. "Zackery!" she exclaimed adoringly as he rounded the counter to give her a hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you're back!"

"It's good to be back," he said, smiling as he pulled back. "And I see you've acquired a house guest since I've been gone. I'd be careful with this one Aunt G," he whispered loud enough for Jen to hear, "she seems a little jumpy." He smiled at Jen jokingly, but she didn't think it was funny.

"Zack, this is my niece, Jennifer Berkley, from New York," Aunt Gabby introduced her. "Jen, this is Zack LaFaye, he has helped me out a lot around here over the years."

Zack shrugged his shoulders. "I do what I can." His modesty gave him away. It was clear to Jen that he was a big reason this place looked the way it did. Judging from his physique, he was a hard and strong worker. She tried not to look at his tan muscles as they peeked out from under his white t-shirt.

Jen suddenly remembered something. "Wait, LaFaye? Are you related to Annie?" She silently and against her will hoped he wasn't her husband.

Zack nodded. "She's my little sister. You've met her?"

"She picked me up from the airport."

"Ahh, I see," he said suppressing a smile that made his dimple more prominent. "What do you think of her?"

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