chp. 2 ~ help me

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Lisa's POV

We finally finished our concert and were going to the meet and greet. a girl with a lot of bracelets went up to Lauren and Lauren took her somewhere. I followed and saw she went to our dressing room. I opened the door. "Lauren!! you need to come back!!! Now!!!" I told her. she gave me an I'll be out in a sec look. I closed the door and sttod there listening. I started crying when I heard what they were talking about. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and went back out to the meet and greet.

Jessie's POV

After the concert finished I couldn't wait to meet the one and only Cimorelli. I got to Lauren and she noticed my bracelets. I started to go to Dani when she grabbed my wrist. I winced in pain and she took me to their dressing room. "Why do you cut?" she asked. I shook my head. She asked me again and I told her my story.  She came up to me and hugged me. "If you ever need to talk to me, call me." she told me and handed me a piece of paper with her phone # on it. I thanked her and walked back out.


sorry for the late update. I hope you guys liked it. VOTE AND COMMENT!!! watch the full moon tonight!!!!

meet and greet.....or more then that?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum