Chapter I: The King

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If there was one word to describe John Doe it would certainly not be kind. Ferocious would be quite accurate though.

A punch in the gut. Blood. A low growl.

A bloody cough came from the low tier laying limp on the ground of the hallway before the King of Wellston High. John towered over the weakened body of the low tier. John was not in a good mood today, and the kid had just so happened to accidentally bump into the King of Wellston High. Very lucky.

There was no possible way to escape his wrath once you've pissed John off. And even slightly irritating him could send you flying to the neighboring city. Saying he had a temper was a bit of an understatement.

"Stop wasting my time." John spat at the injured student laying on the floor. John is a very, very impatient person. He's also irritable. Add not very good with academics to that list. The only thing he has going for him is his power, and his good looks.

And well in spite of the fact you had just read, most of the females on the school campus avoid him like the plague. You could probably guess as to why.

Whispers came from all around the crowded hallway,

"John just beat up another low tier! What a surprise."

"I  kinda  feel sorry for the kid, he only slightly bumped into him. But then again, he kinda got what he deserved, the dude shoulda paid more attention."

"Sheesh, this ones worst than the normal ones."

And in spite of all the criticisms and whispers made about him, he acted as if nothing affected him. Nothing fazed him. Nothing scared him.

Nothing could hurt him.

Ha, what a lie.

Truly, he was the strongest in the whole school. Most likely in the whole district. Possibly in the whole country. He had never been received defiance, he'd only given.

Who could possibly show him defiance if he could bloody someone one enough to paint the sky? What kind of person would be foolish enough to do such an act?

That question was answered one fateful day.


Sera was stressed. Depressed. And even more so, just tired with life. It was the first day of school. Oh, what fun. During her free time she would go on her computer and play a few games, have a flame war with someone online, and watch a few videos.

Surfing the web she found a guide on how to make friends. Yes, she was that hopeless, and even more so, bored. The page said:

How to make friends: Step By Step
Step 1: Find a hobby
It's easier to make frie-

She immediately, turned computer off. Sera was never one for hobbies and already could've guess what it was gonna say. And being late to school would probably be bad for first appearances.

She put on her school uniform, a green blazer, dress shirt, black bow tie and skirt. These were quite plain, she supposed. But then again, it's a school uniform. And despite that, the uniform held a lot of notoriety, and honor in the city. Wellston High is a very well known and highly prized school. Only those very powerful, or very intelligent make it in. Or, you could have money. Money can get you anything.

Walking to school wasn't very hard. She'd had already scouted around the main area so she wouldn't get lost. That would definitely not be the best situation to be in.

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