Chapter 36-Well Shit

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, that's fine I guess," You smiled faintly as you walked in, your eyes meeting Bakugo's immediately as he waited for you to sit down next to him.

He didn't come after me...

You thought about it as you sat down as usually when you're apart from him for the slightest moment he rages after you.

Does he trust me or something?...

You looked at him as he had his head facing away from you as he was staring at something random. You smiled as you had gone back to your daily routine in class with your somewhat attention span.

It was lunch as Kirishima had immediately pulled you away as Bakugo yelled out a few curses as you suddenly disappeared as he sighed while he just went on his marry way to get some food.

Kirishima and You walked outside along the walls of the building. You and him had already grabbed a quick lunch that you snacked on as you walked beside him.

"So..." Kirishima was the one who spoke up first,"Have you decided where you're going to be interning yet? You were one of the three that had gotten the most nominations,"

Where I'm going?...

"I don't know...I want to work in the city and away from any peaceful areas. I've had my chance at living peacefully anyway. I can't really say because know me and my past with some heroes specifically,"

You were laughing a bit as Kirishima was uncomfortable smiling,"Y-Yeah.."

"So where are you going?" You asked him as he jumped at your question. It lit a small fire as he was bit excited.

"I have someone in mind, but I really wanna work on my hero work! Something manly, you know?" Kirishima cheered as he gave you a wide smile.

Of course...

"As expected," You laughed as there was a small moment of laughing. Kirishima suddenly stopped as you still kept laughing as he blushed hard.

"(f-f/n)?" He stuttered a bit as you stopped laughing as you smiled.

"Yeah? What is it?" You smiled as Kirishima suddenly stopped.

"I know this is inconsiderate and all when we were supposed to talk about Bakugo and stuff, but..." He said as he couldn't quite catch your gaze as his face was very red as he continued,"This is completely my fault and I know you have a lot on your mind, but...I like you (f/N)...I like you a lot..."


"What did you say?" You said surprised and quite shocked as you took a step back.

"I like you f/n)! Please go out with me...," Kirishima said more flustered as he bowed in your direction.

"Seriously? M-Me?!" You said shocked that this was happening again.

Another confession?! It's barely been 2 days since the last one...!

"Yeah...When you told me that Bakugo had confessed to you first I just couldn't let him get ahead of me," Kirishima embarrassingly confessed as you were still processing everything,"You don't need to answer me right away if you need time and I'll give you space so I don't pressure you or anything, but I just wanted you to know...,"

With that he walked away to give you space as you just stood there, slightly dumb-founded by the whole event.

I...I just wanted to eat my lunch...

You fell t your knees as you sat against the building wall with your face blushing, saying all that stuff only because he was considering how you felt.

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