Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Haku-nii, what are you doing here?"
"Where is he?" he asked.
"I don't know and I don't care-"
"(Y/n), who is this?" asked Hino.

She seemed like she was in a trance as she continued to stare at my brother. I glared at her, but she was too focused on Haku-nii to notice.

What the hell was wrong with her?! First, she tried to steal Len away from me, and now my brother?! I pulled Haku-nii aside, hiding him behind me. Hino snapped out of her trance, and glared at me.

"Who's this? Another one of your many boyfriends?" she mocked.
"Well, seems like this is that hideous Hino girl. What? You never told me she was downright stupid and probably a jealous bug that needs to be squashed. I mean, wouldn't she be able to tell from our similarities in looks that we're not related in that way?" Haku-nii ranted in a mocking tone.
"I think you should refrain from saying such horribly untrue things to a girl. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" Len asked.
"Huh? Are you Tsukimori Len?"
"And who might you be?"
"I'm not obliged to answer you, you stuck-up rich kid. I'm just here to confirm something."
"Confirm what? You and I don't know each other so I see no reason for you to come seek me out."
"Who's more important to you: Hino or (Y/n)?"
"You heard me. Now answer before I personally rip your heart out."

Haku-nii and Lem seemed to be glaring daggers at each other. To be honest, I was really worried about the both of them. Haku-nii had a 'habit' of making countless enemies because of his tough personality but Len was still the person I liked.

I was a little heartbroken that Len was protecting Hino. We were best friends and she ruined our friendship in just a few minutes. That alone made me question whether he really thought of me as a friend.

"Right now, I'm starting to think Hino is more important," Len replied emotionlessly.

Hino blushed and smirked at me from behind him. Haku-nii saw this and immediately grabbed the front of Len's shirt. He was furious.

"Do you have any idea how hurt (Y/n) was?! That witch broke up your friendship because she was jealous! Can't you see?! That insect doesn't even deserve to live!"
"Stop insulting her! It's not her fault! It's (Y/n)'s! If she stopped trying to push me away, then this would've never happened!"
"Is that right?..."

Time seemed to stop as Haku-nii punched Len. I held onto his arm, preventing him from doing anything worse. This had to stop.

"Boys! Break it up!" yelled Kanazawa sensei.
"Shut it, sensei whatever your name is. That Tsukimori guy deserves a beating."
"Listen, I may not know who you are but as a teacher, I have a duty to protect the students of this school. Leave the school grounds immediately or I'll report you to the police."
"What the hell?-"
"Haku-nii, let's go."

My voice only came out as a whisper but he heard me and simply sighed as an answer. Before we left, he warned Len never to hurt me again or else the next time they met, it'd be far worse than a weak punch.

When we arrived at home, Haku-nii kicked over a chair before angrily shutting the door to his bedroom. His temper and fierce personality really did make him look rebellious.

"Is that what you put up with everyday?! Do you really have to put up with that idiotic girl and dense bastard?!"
"Oi! You useless kids! Keep it down!" yelled dad.

I stood outside Haku-nii's room, facing the closed door. Tears threatened to fall as I looked at the floor. wasn't Len's fault. Hino broke apart our friendship.

Len's POV

"Tsukimori, we need to talk," said Shimizu.
"What about?"
"May we please go to some place a little more private?"

I sighed and complied to his wishes, following him to the back garden of the school. What would he want to talk to me about for? I only though of him as a younger competitor for the concours.

"It's about your relationship with (Y/n) and Hino," he stated.
"I've had enough of this. If that's what you're here to talk about, then leave me be."
"(Y/n)'s a precious friend of mine. We're been friends ever since we were children."

I waited for him to continue.

"She made me promise not to tell anyone, but I think you should know."
"Know what?"
"Her mum passed away a few years ago and..."
"Her dad abuses her and her brother almost everyday. He's an alcoholic, but only became one after her mum passed away."
"That dark-haired boy you got into a fight with earlier was her brother. He's always been very protective of (Y/n) because of how sensitive she was."

All this time, I never knew...why didn't she tell me anything?

"Her brother dropped out of school to earn money for her school fees so they're not exactly well off."

I could only clench my fists as Shimizu explained their situation. I couldn't believe it...did she not tell me so that I wouldn't be burdened? And to think I took Hino's side when (Y/n)'s been going through far worse...

But my heart seemed to be torn into two halves. Should I continue to push (Y/n) away just like she did to me or confront Hino and make her explain herself? I didn't know what to do anymore.

"It's not too late to go back to the way things were before," Shimizu said, hope shining bright in his eyes.
"I'm not sure..."
"I'm sure (Y/n) will be more than happy to have you back. So think about it, okay?"

(A/N): Hey guys, hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'm just here to give a shoutout to @Kookieisawsome12. She's published her first book and it'll be great if you could read it or give her a follow 😊

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