Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

Where am I? I pushed myself up on the soft bed and looked around after rubbing my eyes. Wait...this was Len's house. I recognised this room, it was the room I usually stayed in when I practised till late at his place.

But what was I doing here? Oh wait, I remember 'fainting'...and then someone must've found me. But shouldn't they have called Haku-nii? He didn't normally have work after I was dismissed from school.

I heard voices in the other room, somewhere from outside. I let my feet slide down onto the cold, hard ground and opened the door quietly.

Two violins started to play, drowning out all the voices. I followed the sound into the living room and silently slipped into the corner of the room, unseen. Nobody noticed I was here.

I waited until Len and Hino finished their duet. I tried to ignore it but it wasn't working. A pang of jealousy filled my heart as I watched them play together. It was...honestly too beautiful. They seemed like they suited each other...

"That was great," I said with a somewhat genuine smile.
"(Y/n), are you okay?" Hino asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"I need to talk to you," Len exclaimed as he grabbed onto my arm and dragged me to a secluded area.

I waited for him to put his violin down. Before I realised, I was engulfed in his warm embrace. His strong arms wrapped tightly around my small body, making me feel safe.

I could feel my heart beat faster while his was calm and steady. I guess I really did have one-sided feelings...

"(Y/n)...don't keep it to yourself anymore. I don't want to be kept in the dark," he said quietly.
"Len, I'm sorry. I can't..."
"Why? You've been saying that for a while now. What are you trying to hide from me?"
"(Y/n), please! I want to help you, but you keep pushing me away."
"...I'm sorry."
"Is that all you have to say?"

I looked away from his fierce gaze and took a small step back. It wasn't that I wanted to keep secrets from him...I just didn't feel comfortable talking about my family and personal issues with people.

"It took a while for you to open up to me. The friendly personality was just a shield to block out people trying to get closer to you. It seems that we're back to where we first started," he stated coldly.
"I could say the same about you. I at least tried to be nice and apologise for you. For the first few times, all you ever did was give off a cold, unfriendly vibe."
"Then what about you? That fake smile you put on for everyone to see, I can tell. Why don't you ever tell me anything about your family? Is it something that you really don't want me to find out?"
"...yes, it is. And I don't plan on telling you anytime soon."
"(Y/n), why can't you understand?! I'm trying to help you!"
"Then stop trying!"

By now, I was trying hard to fight back the tears threatening to fall out. How did this turn into a fight? He was one of my closest friends and the last person I wanted to fight with.

Hino and Hihara rushed inside after hearing our arguing. Hino suddenly ran in front of Len and 'semi glared' at me, as if she was mad that I was fighting with him.

"(Y/n), why are you fighting with Tsukimori?" she asked fiercely.
"'Why'? Maybe you should ask him."
"Please excuse my rudeness, but just shut up."
"What...did you just say?"
"I said shut up. From my point of view, Tsukimori's trying to help you! Why are you pushing him away?! You think you're 'oh so cool' by dealing with hardships like a rebel? Or do you think you're above us?"
"Hino, what are you talking about? I-"
"Listen to me! He even brought you home because you fainted for some odd reason and you refuse to tell him a simple fact?"
"...shut up, Hino. You know nothing."
"Fine, I might know nothing but you shouldn't treat people with disrespect."
"Tch, I even had the heart to help you with violin and you're trying to lecture me about respect and kindness? Give me a break."
"You know what? You're just an attention seeker!"

I grabbed onto her shirt and gave her a death glare. What the hell was this girl's problem? She should just mind her own damn business. And besides, this was my family she was talking about.

Len pried my hands off of Hino and pulled her aside. She seemed frightened but I didn't care. She crossed a line she was never supposed to cross.

"(Y/n), go home," exclaimed Len.

I slammed the door shut and grabbed my stuff before heading outside. Tch, I didn't need fake friends. They just didn't understand. I only had Keii and Haku-nii. I didn't need anyone else.

By the time I had gotten to the other side of the road, it started pouring. Great...not. Now the weather matched my emotions. Such a coincidence.

"(Y/n)! Wait up!"

I turned around, only to stop Hihara from slipping on the wet pavement.

"What are you doing out here?"
"You left your violin book," he replied while handing me a bag.
"Oh, thanks."

He slipped off his jacket and put it over our heads. It helped a little, but not much. I was really thankful though...

"Hey, you didn't have any time to practise, right? We can practise together at my place," he suggested with a grin.
"Thanks, but I have to go back home to make dinner."
"Oh, that's fine. Then I'll see you next time, (Y/n)- wait, it's okay for me to call you by your first name, right?"

I managed a smile and nodded. He just gave me a thumbs up before jogging off, leaving me with his jacket.

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