[3] I'm Bad

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'You know I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it!", I sing along, imitating the computer screen's dance. Normally I don't do this, but since there is no other option, I have decided to take Black Star's advice.

I'll probably regret it later on, but eh, what have I got to lose? Anyway, Black Star told me that girls like bad boys, and this song is all about being bad. Plus, Michael Jackson's moves are sick.

I pause the video and take a sip of water. My breathing is heavy, so I take a seat for a bit.

Who knew being bad could be so tiring?

"Who's bad? I'm bad", I tell myself, standing up again. I press play again, and follow Michael's dance moves, singing along. Maka isn't home from the mall yet. She went with Tsubaki.

When the chorus comes up again, I yell it out as loud as possible.


".......Soul?", the sudden soft voice makes me jump, and my head snaps towards then door.

"M-MAKA?", I shout in surprise, and shut off the music as quickly as I can.

She's looks so perfect, standing there. [see what I did? xD] Bags are hanging from her arms, and her face looks shocked, a light blush coating her cheeks.

And that's when I remembered why she looks shocked.

"S-Soul? What.....what are you doing?", she stutters.

Dammit! How am I supposed to play this off?

"Um...I was uh....practicing a dance routine", I say quickly. Yeah, that's good. She raises her eyebrow.

Maybe it wasn't so good after all....

"And you're practicing a dance routine why?" I swallow.

"Well uh, you see um, me and Black Star, and Kid made this dance group", I exclaim. Her mouth widens and her eyes go wide.

"Oh! How cool!", she exclaims, grinning. God, I love her smile.

"Yeah, we perform for crowds and stuff", I say smoothly. Well that was easy. [cue easy button]

"That sounds fun! When did you guys start?"

"Around February", I make up. It's May now.

And JUST when I thought everything would be okay, something screwed it all up.

"Oh. Well, maybe you'll perform for me and the girls one day", she says, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"No", I say without hesitating. If that happened, BOOM. My entire social life disappears.

"Please Soul?", she says, pouting out her lip and swaying back and fourth on her heels.

Damn you Maka! How am I supposed to say no to that?

"Fine", I mutter reluctantly. She finally grins.

"Alright! Friday, at six!", she declares, skipping out of the room before I can even register what the hell just happened. Wait, isn't today Tuesday?

What have I gotten myself into?


"So you want us to dance?" I sigh in frustration. In my panic, I had rushed to Black Star's house and we kind of kicked Tsubaki out, and invited Kid.

"Everything will have to be perfectly symmetrical, of course", Kid states.

"Yes I know Kid, because everything has to be freaking symmetrical!", I exclaim, sinking down on to the couch and closing my eyes.

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