I exhaled angrily before walking over to my bed and throwing myself onto the covers. I suddenly felt drained for no apparent reason so I closed my eyes and felt myself being pulled into the realm of Morpheus.


When I woke up, I realized that my whole cabin was filled with bright, annoying sunlight. Confused, I opened my eyes and saw that my door was open. Sunlight crept in through the open door. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. I was 100% sure I closed my door last night.

I got out of bed and walked out the cabin only to be instantly surrounded by most of the demigods at Camp-Half-Blood. I saw many of them wearing expressions of distrust and anger, while some of the demigods looked at me with pity.

Okay, what the hades is going on?

The crowd parted to reveal Adam walking towards me with a smug smile. In his hand he was clutching a piece of frayed paper. Adam stopped before me and smirked. "So Percy, what do you have to say for yourself?"

What the fuck is he talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I growled. Adam's eyebrows raised, making him look like a constipated duck. The crowd of demigods around us hissed insults at me, and many of them called me a liar. I spotted Jason, Piper and Annabeth standing off to the side, looking at me with...... anger?

I opened my mouth to call them over when Adam interrupted me. "Shut up. So you're saying you're not a traitor to the Gods? You're not spying for the titans?" I shut my mouth and stared at Adam, utterly confused. I had no idea what he saying. But the fact that he was calling me a traitor made more rage flare up inside of me.

"Me? A traitor? Are you serious!? My fatal flaw is loyalty! Don't forget the fact that I fought in two wars all to save the demigods and the Gods from the titans and Gaea! Why would I betray you guys!?"

Some of the demigods shifted at my words but the rest of them increased their glares. "Liar." A familiar voice spoke up. My eyes flickered to where my friends were standing. Jason was the one who had spoken. His blue eyes seem to cut into my soul. "Look at the evidence Adam has."

My attention shifted back to Adam as he opened the crumpled piece of paper. With that annoying smug look still on his face, he turned the paper over to show me. My eyes widened as I saw that the paper was actually a detailed map of Camp-Half-Blood. There was small notes written all over the camp. Some of the notes were about when the campers usually go to bed, or about the defences the camp has to protect itself from any enemies.

One of the notes even said: "Report any information back to the titans."

"That is not mine." I said angrily. "You guys know I won't betray you. Hades, you all know what my fatal flaw is!"

"Explain then why this map was found in the Poseidon cabin, stuffed underneath your bed?" Piper asked, her eyes narrowed dangerously at me. "Adam shares the same stupid cabin as me! He put the map under my bed. Are you guys honestly going to trust a new camper that stumbled into camp literally only yesterday?" I questioned in bewilderment.

Murmurs spread throughout the crowd of demigods. Many of them were now looking at Adam with suspicion in their gazes. Adam clenched his teeth and shook the map. "Look! Even his name is at the bottom of this map!" More murmurs spread throughout the demigods. Many of them were looking between Adam and I, unsure of who to believe. Adam, who was getting desperate, shouted "Everything here is in his writing! I can prove to you that my writing is nowhere near this!"

Adam looked feverishly around for some sort of writing utensil until Annabeth pulled a pen out of her pocket and tossed it to Adam without a word. Adam tore the lid off of the pen and scratched his name on the back of the map. He held up his writing for everyone to see.

Now all of the campers turned their angry gazes on me. I couldn't believe everyone was falling for this bastard's lies! "I told you, this isn't mine!" I cried.

Annabeth's grey eyes locked with my eyes before she shook her head and said in an eerily calm voice: "I believe Adam. There's no way this map is his. Percy is a traitor."

That was it. That was the last straw.

I felt my heart break into a million tiny pieces. I wanted to cry, to scream, to do anything, but I had no reason to show any emotion. Not after I had heard those words come out of my girlfriend's mouth.

Since Annabeth was pretty well respected in the camp, the campers believed her. They turned on me, shouting, yelling, about how I should get the hades out of here so they wouldn't see me again.

My fucking pleasure.

With a detached feeling in my stomach, I walked over to half blood hill. The demigods trailed after me, many of them still screaming at me to die. When I reached the top of the hill, I turned slowly and looked at the mass of demigods eager for bloody murder.

I put one hand on Thalia's pine tree and curled my fingers into a fist. Numbness exploded throughout my body. Any loyalty I had felt to the campers evaporated into mist. The desire to take revenge flooded into my veins like scalding hot lava. I felt a sneer form on my lips and said in a cold, dark voice:

"I'll be back. And this time, there would be no Hero of Olympus to fight for you."

With those parting words, I felt my body dissolve into mist.

Word count: 2433

Hey! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!

I promise there will be more action in the later chapters.

edit: im reading this over years later and wow. this whole chapter was awful. 

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