[14- The Beginning]

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Edward glanced over at Emmett and shook his head, "No, we will be able to follow their scents later. In the mean time we should all stick together."

Pushing the limits of speed on Bella's frail truck, we made it to the house in a record time.

Everyone was here; they were already on their feet at the sound of our approach. Surprisingly, standing next to Carlisle was Laurent. I could hear low growls rumble deep in Emmett's throat. I didn't blame him, Laurent was the enemy.

"He's tracking us," Edward announced, glaring balefully at Laurent.

Laurent's face was unhappy. "I was afraid of that." Perhaps I read the situation wrong. Laurent had ... surrendered.

Alice moved to Jasper's side and whispered in his ear; her lips quivered with the speed of her silent speech. They flew up the stairs together.

"Can you stop him?" Carlisle asked in chilling tones.

Laurent shook his head. "Nothing stops James when he gets started."

"We'll stop him," Emmett promised. There was no doubt in his words. Emmett was always confident.

"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven."

Wait, what? His coven? The show of leadership was just an act.

Carlisle looked gravely at Laurent. "I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice."

Laurent understood. He deliberated for a moment. His eyes took in every face, and finally swept the bright room.

"I'm intrigued by the life you've created here. But I won't get in the middle of this. I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against James or Victoria. I think I will head north — to that clan in Denali." He hesitated. "Don't underestimate James. He's got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses. He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on... I'm sorry for what's been unleashed here. Truly sorry." He bowed his head, and flickered another puzzled look at Bella.

"Go in peace," Carlisle formally answered. Laurent took another long look around himself, and then he hurried out the door.

Everyone stood frozen while Laurent made his exit. The instant he was gone, Esme moved to a keypad across the room and released the motorized security shutters that protected the glass wall.

"How close?" Carlisle looked to Edward.

"About three miles out past the river; he's circling around to meet up with the female again," he replied.

"What's the plan?"

"We'll lead him off, and then Jasper and Alice will run her south."

"And then?"

Edward's tone was deadly. "As soon as Bella is clear, we hunt him."

"I guess there's no other choice," Carlisle agreed, his face grim.

"No," I spoke out. Everyone looked at me in surprise. "Why should we separate? There's seven of us and two of them. We have number and skill on our side. Why don't a couple of us just protect Bella here and the rest go after them?"

Edward shook his head almost instantly, "We need to split them up."


"We don't have time to discuss this!" Edward snapped. I felt Emmett tense up next to me.

"Alright, your plan it is," I said through my teeth. Even though I though, in my eyes, the plan was flawed, Edward was right, we didn't have time to discuss amongst ourselves.

"Can you trade clothes with Bella?" Edward then asked.

"Eleanor, let me. I'm closer to Bella's size," Esme offered. I smiled softly. Bella and I had a height difference of four inches.

Esme swept Bella into her arms and rushed up the stairs with her.

Carlisle continued speaking at a speed and volume that Esme would hear from upstairs, but Bella would not.

"We think James will assume Bella is with Edward and will follow him. We hope that Victoria splits off and follows the truck. She will have no reason to attack or engage, this is James' game. Alice and Jasper will drive Bella to Phoenix. Esme and Eleanor, if you are followed, keep driving west as far as possible until Victoria stops tracking you. Then return to Forks and take up watch at Charlie's house. She may go back there to look for Bella when she realizes Bella isn't with you. We need to keep Charlie safe. The rest of us will head North to ambush James."

Alice reappeared at the top of the stairs with a small leather bag, no doubt full of cash, credit cards, and current identification.

Esme and Bella had finished exchanging clothes and rejoined is in their ill–fitting attire.

"Alice, will they take the bait?" Carlisle asked. We all stood in silence while Alice shut her eyes and focused inwardly. When she opened them, she was sure.

And now for what I was dreading the most, our moment of separation. Emmett pressed himself- lips and body- against me. Just for that moment, I forgot where we were and what we were facing. Then he unwrapped his arms. I touched his face in farewell and stared into the deep wells of his eyes.

"Come back to me," I ordered, stifling my worst fears with smile.

He smiled confidently, "Always."

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