Putting the case to rest

Start from the beginning

"Hey Mark." I say hugging and kissing his cheek.

"Is that it?" He asks.

"Yeah, here." I say handing him the box. He looks at the contents and shakes his head.

"Don't worry we'll take care of it. Now onto the other matter where is the evidence." He asked seriously.

I go in my briefcase and pull out the file and hand it to him. As he's looking through it the file I go through my email and see if anything is of importance. Nothing is so I compile all the information for Mark so he can see it.

When I'm done I hand him the rest of it and he goes through it. I go out and get us both coffees when I return I hand him a cup.

"Where did you get all this?" Mark asked curious.

"My PI Austin. He found some and I found something suspicious. I told him what I thought and he went with it." I say.

"This will absolutely without a shadow of a doubt put him behind bars. As I'm arresting him here, there will be a team to arrest his partner." Mark says.

"That's good. That way he won't have a chance to run." I say logically.

"My thoughts exactly. You do realize you think like a cop." He says laughing.

"Yeah I've been told before." I say laughing.

"Also after you leave tonight I will have a team at your house to sweep it. I don't want you alone until we find this creep." He says firmly.

"That's why I'll be staying at Finn's. Besides, I'll be in Australia Soon." I say smirking.

"Ahh your going topless again?" Mark asked amused with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't I always." I say and wink at him and he laughs.

A few minutes later Austin walks into my office.

"Let's get to the conference room, Logan will be here early." He says.

We make our way to the conference room and take a seat. Logan enters shortly after.

"Logan I know you can act surprised and I need you to do that now." I say playing with my pen.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I can tell you he'll probably be texting during the meeting to his partner. We need him to think that they actually have a case." I say.

"I have a team on location to arrest his partner. They need to think that they will win so they don't run. His partner will be arrested five minutes before this meeting is over. Then I'll arrest Liam." Mark says and Logan can only nod.

A few minutes later Liam comes in.

"Hello Liam, I would like to introduce you to my colleagues Mark and Austin." I say and both Liam and Logan shake their hands.

"Let's get down to business." Liam says and I nod.

"We've looked into the company and their claims." Austin says.

"I don't know if we could win this case." I say and I can see Liam try and hide a smile and I can see movement under the table.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked acting confused.

"Their claims are that you stole their work. There's proof between theirs and your stuff." Austin says.

"If we go to court you could lose."I start to say but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say.

It was Nate he knew exactly what was going to happen so he was going to play along also.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked shocked.

"I asked him to be here since he's a partner in the company too." I say.

"Ok." Liam replied unsure.

"As I was saying if we go to court you could lose, you could lose your company." I start to say and I can see Liam's smile getting bigger and he's trying to hide it behind his hand.

I nod at Mark and he text his team.

"If we settle out of court you could keep your company." I say.

"Do it." Nate says adamantly.

"I agree, let's settle out of court." Logan says acting defeated.

"Alright, I'll call them to setup a meeting and get it handled." I say shaking their hands.

I can see Liam put his phone away and Liam and Mark are the first to go towards the door.

"Liam Mills you are under arrest for fraud and embezzlement. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning." Mark says putting cuffs on Liam and escorting him out of the building.

I head to my office as the others follow me in and I start to pack my stuff up.

"You saved our company." Logan says in awe.

"Just another days work." I say brushing it off and continue collecting my things.

"I appreciate all that you've done. We're opening a branch on the east coast. Would you be our lawyer?" Nate asked.

"My firm can be your lawyer." I say.

"No, I want you." Nate says firmly.

"It all depends. For the next few months I'll be off, I'm going on vacation. Any other time I can do it and when I can't my firm will handle it ok." I say.

"Perfect. Glad to have you as our lawyer." He says and makes his way out.

"Austin are you all packed for Australia?" I ask him.

"I'm all set. What about you?" Austin asks.

"I'm staying at Finn's. I'll pack what I can and if need be I'll buy what I need when we get there." I say. A knock on the door interrupts us before Logan can say anything.

"Love, I'm here to collect you." Finn says entering my office.

"I'm all ready." I say and make my way towards Finn.

"Do you guys think I can join you in Australia?" Logan asked nervously.

"Ask my protectors." I say and walk out the door.

Finn's POV

"Who's her protectors?" Logan asked confused.

"Everyone that was at the suite last night, Mark and all of our dads." I say calmly.

"How do I do that?" Logan asked confused.

"Come by my place tonight. Everyone will be there, I'll tell them what you want. If they say yes you should bring Honor with you." I say and walk out the door with Austin.

"I don't know what his intentions are with our girl." Austin said.

"I don't know either but he has an uphill battle." I say shaking my head. Logan didn't know what he was getting into.

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