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Leigh's Pov

Two months later.

We are back in the states after an amazing vacation. Tonight I'm going on a date with Logan but right now Finn Austin and I are at the new hotel. We were currently looking at the new site for our hotel and this hotel will be a family getaway.

"Let's go to lunch love Austin. Seems everything me on track." Finn says.

We both nod and head to a Mexican restaurant.

Logan's pov

Tonight is the night I ask Leigh to marry me. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. Everyone has helped out to get this done and romantic.

"Son are you excited for tonight?" My dad asked with a smile gracing his face.

"I've been ready. I hope she says yes." I say anxiously.

"Boy you know she'll say yes." My grandfather Elias says with a smirk.

"How is she feeling?" My mom asked concerned.

Leighs been sick in and off the last two weeks and we were all worried about her. I finally convinced her to see a doctor.

"She's fine mom. She has a appointment in a few days to see her doctor." I say.

"Good I'm glad. We're all worried about her." Mom says sincerely.

Since Australia Leigh and mom has been close. We've all been busy since we came back. We're all looking for houses close together so we can live near each other.

Finnegan's Pov

"I can't believe by tonight our daughter will be engaged." I say smiling happily.

With all that she's been through she deserves happiness and I can't wait for grand babies.

"Neither can I. I'm so excited I can't wait." My darling wife Amelia says smiling happily. I can see the joy in her eyes.

Tristan pov

These last few months have been amazing. Though I'm still worried. Josh is still out there and I have a bad feeling. I frown at that thought.

"You ok man?" Mark asked curiously.

"I'm good but I have a bad feeling." I say rubbing my hand down my face.

"I feel it to." Colin says with worry.

"I wonder if anyone else feels like this." Mark says worried. I could tell he had the same bad feeling as us.

Paris pov

Steph and I are out to lunch. We were going to invite Leigh but she had some work to do with Finn and Austin.

"Steph something bad going to happen and soon." I say worriedly.

"I know I feel the same. I think the guys feel it to." She says lowly.

"I think it has to do with Leigh." I say with panic.

By the time are check has arrived I felt gloom like something wasn't right.

"Somethings wrong." Steph says before I can say anything.

We both pick up are phones and call out men. Somethings not right I know it. I can feel it in my bones.

Colin's pov

As we were talking my phone goes off. I look at it and it's Steph. I start to worry.

"It's Steph." I say.

"Put it on speaker." Tristan says as he says that his phone rings.

"It's Paris." Tristan says.

"Speaker both of you now." Mark days adamantly.

"Paris your on speaker." Tristan says.

"Steph your on speaker." I say.

"What's wrong guys?" Mark asked.

"We have a bad feeling." Steph says.

"As we got the bill I felt gloom and something wasn't right. Somethings wrong guys I can feel it in my bones." Paris says choked up.

"We feel it to. It has to be Leigh somethings wrong. We need to call Austin and Finn. Now." Tristan says.

Finn's pov.

We had an amazing lunch and we're waiting on the bill. Leigh went to the restroom and Austin accompanied her. Suddenly my phone went off. I look down and see it's mark.

"Hey man what's up?" I ask.

"Austin's not picking up his phone. Somethings wrong." He says panicked.

"He's with Leigh. She had to use the restroom." I say sitting upright. I make my way to there.

"Leigh's not picking up." I hear Tristan say in the background.

I make my way around the corner and I see Austin on the ground.

"Shit." I say and make my way to him. He's got a pulse but out cold.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked worriedly.

"Austin's on the ground." I say with panic.

I flag a waiter to call 911 why I go check the ladies room.

"Where's Leigh." I hear Colin ask desperately.

"Don't know mate going into ladies room now." I say and open the door.

"Leigh are you in here." I say and look around.

"Oh god." I wimped out as I see blood.

"What?" They all yell.

"She's not here and there's blood." I say.

I hang up with them but not before telling them to call the family. I said I would call Logan. I called 911 and said there was a kidnapping. After I called Logan this was going to be hard.

"Hey man what's up?" Logan ask with joy in his voice.

"Logan." Is all I can choke out

"Finn what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Leigh she's gone and Austin is knocked out." I say with tears.

"Oh god." He screams.

Leigh's pov

I was just washing my hands when suddenly my head is smashed into the mirror. I fall down and look up and see a man and woman. They look familiar but I don't know who they could be.

I stand and start to defend myself I broke their nose and next thing I know I'm injected with something and my world goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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