-Chapter 47: And all that jazz-

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It was a book. It was very thick. I was not really the type to read a book with 1000 pages because I would get bored eventually. But that wasn't the first thing I noticed. 

I looked at the beige-yellow book and read the title:

Ron Chernow

Author of Titan and Washington

Alexander Hamilton

My eyes widened. "What?" I whispered as I opened the book. A note dropped onto the floor. I picked it up and read it.


Yo Y/N!

So, when you get this book, they must've already gone to 2018! (Thank you for that by the way)

You must be very confused at the very least. I know what happens when the butterfly effect goes into working. I'm not that dumb. But...You didn't make the mistake when you mispronounced something. Eos and Erum could be used in both ways. 

When you brought the cast to your time, you also brought me back for a short period of time. 

Right before we were zapped to your living room, a voice had told me to give you this book. They said it was a test. You've got a book with all the answers. Are you going to read it to make sure everyone lived a happy life? This will maybe ruin everything in the future. Or will you let it be and let everything go like the future planned it? This will maybe let everything which is happening in the future be.

I think it would be very convenient for you to use the first option. For your happiness. I mean,

Who cares what's going to happen if you're not in it am I right? 

You know a lot about that don't you?

You f*cking egoist.

Anyway, I have returned to my endless suffering in hell. It's great down there. 


Hercules Mulligan

P.S. See you there.


"..." I was speechless. 

'Every action has its equal opposite reaction.' I heard in the air as I sighed in frustration. 

"I brought him back from the death twice. He isn't even F*CKING great full for that." I scoffed as I looked at the note. 

"I also let his f*cking shop run to this day!" I hissed as I smashed the note down on the table.

"I made sure he wasn't forgotten! Every day I get eaten alive by all the guilt, he's over having a legacy whom people make a f*cking musical about!" I objected.

"I'm the only reason he could return back to earth! If I hadn't drowned myself, I wouldn't be here to help him out! Which results into, if he was oh so innocent and he could choose between heaven and earth, why is he now in hell huh?" I laughed with a frown. 

"You know what Hercules?!" I yelled out as I looked at the fire place.

I grabbed the book and note. "F*CK YOU." I stated as I threw both of the items in with no hesitation. "I can do this without your pathetic attempt to make me go to hell you f*cking low-life, abortion kid, worth-less poor excuse for a trash can!" I sneered at the fire.

"Go to hell and all that jazz." I hissed and turned away from the huge fire forming in the fireplace. 

"I hope that you burn." We both said. 

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