Chapter One: Burn It

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Hello! I'm back! It's been far too long since I've updated or wrote any story. School has hit me harder than I expected and I've been really stressed lately. I also have a job (luckily it's only on Saturdays) but I'm also stuck doing a lot of homework. My school has all seniors do 'senior projects,' which is a year-round project that is required to graduate. I'm also taking dual credit classes, which aren't very hard but it's still college credit so I want to do my best. Thankfully, I'm passing everything but it's still not fun to do a lot of homework. That, in addition to preparing to go to college next year, has made my life extremely hard and stressful. For those who think that school is hard, it is, but push through it so that you can do other things later in life. Work hard now so that you can relax and be free later. Hopefully, that works out for me.

Anyway, I decided to continue this story. I originally planned to keep it as a one-shot but I have so many ideas that I want to continue writing. Thor Ragnarok is probably one of my favorite movies and there are so many ideas and stories that can be told. It's been two years since I first posted this story but I still keep coming back to. Because of my ideas, I'm back to rewrite and continue this story that I just can't seem to stop thinking about. Enjoy! :)

Chapter One: Burn It

Maybe it was a stupid plan; Loki wouldn't put Thor past it. Placing Surtur's crown into the Eternal Flame was easy enough in itself but leaving the palace as Surtur arose was a whole different league, one that Loki was not prepared for.

Of course, he should have expected it; Surtur was the king of the Fire Demons after all. In the heat of the moment, no pun intended, Loki thought that Thor might have been onto something, using Surtur to take down Hela. Now, Loki cursed Thor for coming up with such an outrageous idea, cursed himself for going along with it, and cursed Hela's entire existence that warranted him being in the palace as it burned around him.

He could have easily taken the Grandmaster's ship and flown off, found somewhere safe, and then figured out where to go from there. But deep down, Loki knew that he would regret leaving Thor behind. After all those years of struggling to regain Thor's trust and to prove himself worthy of his brother's love, Loki wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he left Thor to almost certain doom.

All thoughts of betraying Thor (again) vanished. Loki was only focused on one thing: getting out alive.

Right after he placed Surtur's crown into the Eternal Flame, Loki waited a moment before dashing off. He didn't look back as Surtur rose up and burst through the palace, breaking support beams and setting everything ablaze. Smoke instantly curled up into the air, making it hazy and thick with dark gray clouds. It was hard to see and even harder to breathe.

It was stupid enough to do something so dangerous as a normal Asgardian, but being a Frost Giant was ten times as worse. A Frost Giant, against a Fire Demon. No other match up could have been worse.

The heat alone was enough to kill him; and if not, breathing in too much smoke or getting crushed by a falling beam would certainly do him in if he didn't get out right now.

Loki ran through the halls, trying to find the way back to the ship he had parked on a large balcony. Living here his entire life, Loki knew the palace by heart. He had memorized the layout of the halls and the several secret passageways in case he needed to get to safety quickly, but mostly so that he could wander the halls at night and play tricks on unsuspecting people without getting caught.

Even with the palace memorized, the smoke and heat made it hard to focus. His feet were becoming heavy with each step. Flames licked at his clothes, singed his hair, and threatened to turn him into ash with each passing minute. The longer he spent in the castle, the more likely he could die.

Keeping that in mind, Loki forced himself to pick up his pace. He stumbled over loose rubble, his feet slipping. Coughing, Loki put a hand over his mouth while using the other to lean against the wall for balance, unintentionally placing a hand against a metal wall sconce.

The metal felt like he put his hand into a bucket of lava. Crying out in pain, Loki pulled his burned hand away from the wall and cradled it against his chest. Keeping his burned hand close to him and coughing into the other, Loki struggled through the halls. Beams and bits of the broken ceiling fell down around him. Sweat rolled into his eyes, making it even harder to see with blurry eyes. His feet slipped on the loose rubble, almost twisting his ankles several times.

Dodging the rubble, Loki finally found the ship. The outlandish paint job made it easy to spot, even through the smoke. Filled with renewed energy, Loki ran towards his only chance of survival.

Fate, however, was against him.

A blast of fire shot straight towards him. The already large inferno grew in size until the flames on the floor could reach the ceiling. An enormous support beam crashed down, blocking the way to the ship.

Cursing, Loki peered through the flames, looking for a way out. All the paths were blocked, either by rubble or by fire. Cracks snaked across the ceiling, threatening to give out at any moment.

Sweat slid down Loki's face and back. He felt dizzy and weak, feeling like he was going to collapse. His lungs hurt from breathing in too much smoke and he couldn't stop coughing. The coughs racked his body, causing his already weak limbs to sway under the force.

Another blast of fire forced Loki to his knees. Hacking, Loki attempted to crawl through a small opening under the beam. His attempts proved to be futile as a sudden shift in the floor caused the beam to drop down onto Loki, pinning his legs underneath and trapping him in the living nightmare.

Loki cried out in pain and tried to pull his leg out. The beam, however, refused to move. Reaching out, Loki's fingers barely brushed the edge of the ship, mocking him for coming so close only to fail.

Loki struggled, attempting to stretch out to touch the ship. He didn't know what he expected by doing so, but it gave him something to do, made it seem like everything wasn't as hopeless.

The stretching started to hurt already sore limbs so Loki gave up and turned back to the beam. Using both hands, Loki tried to push the beam off of him. However, the combination of a bad angle and exhaustion did absolutely nothing to move the weight from his leg.

Loki dropped his head onto the ground, staring up at the ceiling. Through various cracks in the ceiling, Loki could see Surtur's large, fiery leg standing in the ruins of the palace. A loud, deep rumbling from above him suggested that Surtur was talking, although Loki was too out of it to understand what the demon was saying.

"So this is it," Loki thought as the world spun around him, his vision narrowing and blurring with each passing moment, 'this is how I die..."

Out of all the places that he could die, it had to be lying face-up, pinned, in his childhood home. Funny how life tends to come full circle. He could have - should have - died when he fell from the Bifrost.

He had almost been killed several times during his time in the Void, having gotten past the fear of dying and wishing to be killed instead of suffering whatever tortures Thanos had planned.

He had wanted to die then, that was why he let go - he was hopeless then. Now, Loki was full of hope. He had hopes of being reunited with his lover and his brother, starting things over again.

All that hope was now crushed as the cracks in the ceiling finally gave out. Loki barely had time to register the falling chunks as Asgard burst into flames.

The shockwave knocked Loki out, his fingers outstretched and brushing the side of the Grandmaster's stolen ship. Seconds later, Asgard exploded.

My English teacher started a writing club so I'm getting my writing in during that since I can't seem to find time anywhere else. We meet every other Monday so updates might take a little longer than I what I usually do. Please leave a review, telling me what you think about this rewrite. I hope my writing style has improved so I hope that this story is enjoyable. I'll try my best to update as soon as possible, but until then, stay in school kids! :)

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