VI Commandments

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I. One shall not question, doubt, or deny the commandments of his leaders. Any and all violations of any said commandment given to by one of his leaders is applicable to a minimal sentence of five years in the Dome.

II. All violations witnessed, whether by sound or by sight,  must be disclosed to Militia soldier within 12 hours of the act. Failure to report said violation is applicable to a minimal sentence of five years in the dome in addition to an added six months per 12 hours of the act going unreported.

III. All households are provided with an appropriate size quantum. Each quantum must be collected within the first three hours after sunrise, at the start of each week. Failure to collect quantum is granted, unless under the circumstances of a mandatory quantum. Violators who fail to collect a mandatory quantum will receive the minimal sentence of five years in the Dome.

IV. All citizens must complete 15 years of schooling starting at the age of three, ending in a final graduation process at age 18. All female graduates will be assigned a male companion whereupon union both male companion and female graduate will become individual codependents, subject to follow all commandments and serve any violations. All male graduates will proceed to start official militia training, where he will serve until selected for companionship.

V. All Militia soldiers are subject to selection on Selection day. If selected, his training will seize, and his rank will be terminated. He will be sent away for companionship. One has the option to opt out but if the male citizen abandons female companion after the 24 hour elimination period, said violator will be sentenced to 10 years in the dome.

VI. After the final graduation process, all previous family members must denounce all connections to past household. Under no circumstances may parted households communicate in any way, shape, or form. Violations of any sort will result in a minimal sentence of five years in the Dome, per offense.

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