♦Reason Why The Wizardess Heart And Ninja Assassin Roleplay Were Removed♦

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Made: 3/9/18
Published: 3/9/18

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! :3

Sorry for this very late news. I've been meaning to publish this since the day I found out about this, but I've been so busy I haven't had time to do it. I'd like to apologize once again for this very late news.

Now to the news! :3

As my Wizardess Heart and Ninja Assassin roleplayers have probably noticed, my roleplay books are no longer there. The reason being that Wattpad has decided to remove them for restricted content.

Not knowing what restricted content was in it, I decided to look at the terms of service

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Not knowing what restricted content was in it, I decided to look at the terms of service.

As you can see, I found out was that sexual roleplaying is one of the restricted content and anyone who has roleplayed in my books knows that there was smut in there

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As you can see, I found out was that sexual roleplaying is one of the restricted content and anyone who has roleplayed in my books knows that there was smut in there.

Even though I understand why they would remove it, it pisses me off that there are a bunch of roleplay books that are solely for sexual roleplaying yet my books that had at least two smut chapters and the rest of them just normal roleplaying gets removed. The other thing that pisses me off is that all the stories you made in the roleplay were deleted. That just makes me so so SO mad. You guys really worked hard for those and it's not fair that they were deleted. The only good news I have is that the Blood In Roses roleplaying book I have hasn't been removed which makes me very happy. However, I'll have to probably remove the smut chapter or we'll have to do it in PM.

Since I can't do anything about recovering my books, I'll have to make news books for them. Hopefully this gives me the chance to improve them and make them a lot more fun than the original. To be honest, whenever I would read what I wrote in them, I would cringe. So I once again hope I can make them better.

I hope you guys join in my roleplay book once again since I really do enjoy roleplaying with you guys. Hopefully this time I have a lot more time to roleplay with you guys since Spring break is coming up! :3

Well, that's all I wanted to share! I hope you have a wonderful and majestic day! Bye bye! :3

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