stick to the plan or my mate?

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I followed Polly and Stuart home and waited, I finally saw Polly leave the house and head to the forest alone so I followed, I knew they did checks every couple of hours so I had to be quick, all I needed was to get her to come out with me and Libby.

I found her in a open part of the forest that had a waterfall and stream, she seemed upset, but that wasn't my problem I just needed information and I had to get closer to her mates family, I was going to use her and her friend Libby to do it.

My wolf growled at me he didn't like the idea, he thought we were betraying our mate and I kind of felt the same, I was sure I could control my feeling though, I had to or else I was going to end up a dead wolf.

I started to walk over to Polly when she flipped round " Alex what are you doing here?" she asked

" hey, I thought it would be ok now we are friends" I lied, I knew I was trespassing and if anybody found me I would have been locked up.

" well what do you want?" she asked

" I want to ask Libby out and wanted you and Stuart to come with us" I said

she was quick to say yes and tell me to go, she seemed worried I would get caught, maybe I had started to gain her trust.

I went back to my bedsit and phoned Libby, just speaking to her on the phone made my heartbeat double in time, my wolf was pleading me to make her ours, but I couldn't I had to follow the plan.

"hey Libby, I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out somewhere Saturday night" I said

" I would love to Alex"  I could almost feel the happiness coming off her, this made my wolf extremely happy.

" ok well I guess I see you tomorrow" I didn't know what else to say

" ok see you Alex" she said then hung up

I arrived at school next morning and there she was waiting at the gate as usual, I just wanted to go up to her and hug her, but I couldn't so I just acted all hard as if nothing had changed

" hey Libby, Tony" I casually greeted them both just then Polly and Stuart arrived and we went about our morning classes.

lunch arrived and everybody decided to eat outside, we were chatting away when Sam walked over

" hey Alex I need to talk to you"

I followed him away from the others, I could feel Polly's eye on me, great this wasn't going to make her trust me any more.

"Sam what are you doing talking to me here?" I asked annoyed

" I have just spoken with the boss he wants you to get the sister of stuart within the next few weeks, any way you can, I would suggest you try getting to know her and become her boyfriend, it's a great way to gain her trust and get her to go anywhere with you" Sam smiled

I stood for a few minutes after Sam had left I wasn't sure I could do this, it was ok knowing I would be around my mate but pretending to like someone else and date them, I think my wolf would lose it, what was I going to do, I was fighting myself.

I went back to the group and Polly asked

"what did Sam want?"

I quickly thought of a lie " my uncle did some work for his dad and he needed to know some stuff" I could see straight away she didn't believe me.

I was so confused I didn't know what I was going to do, stand by my mate and tell them all what was happening, or stick by the boss and hope Libby forgives me afterwards, I went back to class with so my thoughts running through my head.

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