Chapter 23- Letters to a Family Friend (Ava)

Start from the beginning

Snowstorm spread her wings out and flew out into the cold evening sky. I watched her and wondered how long it would take Remus to reply, if he would reply at all.

Sophia walked into the dormitory and raised an eyebrow,

“Who are you sending a letter to?”

I smiled,

“Just a family friend.”

*                    *                    *

I rushed out of the library, my hair and robes flying out behind me. I’d been reading a book on Potions in there when Draco had walked in. He hadn’t seen me, but I’d made my way out of there before he would.


I gasped and carried on walking. I just needed to turn around a corner and dart into an unused classroom where he wouldn’t find me.


I stopped.

“Ava, I’ve barely seen you.”

I clutched my books tighter to my chest, not turning around to face him,

“I’ve been busy with schoolwork.”

My voice came out a whisper, but Draco still heard me.

“Too busy to talk to me about the mission?”

My eyes filled up with tears and I closed them to prevent them from spilling over onto my cheeks,

“Don’t you know how afraid I am?”

Draco didn’t move from his position behind me,

“I am just as afraid as you. But it’s coming. My plan is coming together and the mission will be soon. You need to stop avoiding it.”

I whispered,

“Please- please don’t make this any sooner for me than it has to be. I can’t do it.”

Draco’s voice changed- bitterness took over,

“Well, you’re going to have to do it, aren’t you?”

I gulped. Before I could say anything else, Draco hissed,

“You know what will happen if you don’t.”

He walked away silently, leaving me standing alone in the corridor. I reached a shaking hand up to cover my mouth, trying my hardest not to cry out loud.

“Miss. Potter? Is everything alright?”

Slowly, I turned around to look at Professor Dumbledore. His eyes were full of worry. I took a shaky breath,

“I’m- I’m fine, Professor.”

I’m not okay.

“Would you like me to fetch someone for you to talk to? Your brother, perhaps? Miss. Granger?”

I shook my head,

“No thank you.”

I can’t be alone anymore. I need someone.

I knew Professor Dumbledore didn’t believe me, but he nodded and started to walk away. It was almost as if he knew that I couldn’t tell him what the matter was.

Before anyone else would see me, I turned around and made my way towards the Astronomy Tower.

As I leant against the railing, I wondered to myself how I could think that I was coping okay on my own. Yes, I was talking to Harry again, but what did that mean? He had absolutely no idea of what I had to do. I was guarding this secret, this dark secret which I couldn’t share with anyone.

I wasn’t sure how much longer I would be able to keep everything a secret.

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