Chapter 47 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Start from the beginning

As we crossed over the bridge, slowly nearing the other side, it seemed the fish were beginning to notice that they couldn't break the surface of the water, because the number of collisions felt onto the makeshift barrier I'd created were starting to increase, straining my abilities to keep the water surface dense enough.

Once the water barrier broke, at least five Fighting Fish jumped up into the air, ready to attack any who dared to cross their domain, but to their disappointment and our relief, we had managed to safely reach the other side.

"Lana, I couldn't be more grateful for your abilities" Usopp stood shivering at the sheer size of the marine animals, as he clung to my body in a vice-like grip. Shoving him off in a huff, muttering about his cowardice, I turned to look down at the giant marine animals. In hindsight, I could have communicated with them to see if they would have let us cross, but from the conversations I was hearing between them, they seemed too fond of 'man-flesh'.

We'd eventually reached the agreed drop-off point, and hoping for this to go as swiftly as possible, we assigned Robin and Usopp to scout the area, leaving Law, Caesar and I at the beach of Green Bit in wait.

And of course, in true tradition, shit hit the fan pretty quickly. 

Not only did Doflamingo show up to collect the mad scientist in our possession, but a Navy Admiral and his platoon as well. Of course, considering our damn luck, Doflamingo had fudged his resignation, leaving him the still reigning monarch of this island and a Pirate Warlord, and the Marine guard that had been dispatched had orders to detain Law and his company, as well as question Doflamingo.

"We're so fucked"


I stood there on the partially destroyed beach as Issho, the Marine Admiral that had been using the alias 'Fujitora', and Doflamingo, had us cornered us. I was the only one standing; Law had collapsed beside me as he had deflected most of the hits that were aimed at us two.

How the hell am I supposed to defeat a Shishibuki and an Admiral on my own?

It seemed like we didn't have to, as Law used the last of his strength to bait Doflamingo into believing the fake heart we had belonged to Caesar, and whilst it saved us some time, he was quick to see through our farce. Though the distraction was enough for us to make our escape thanks to Law's devil fruit ability.

Just as we were about to escape, the Sunny with Nami, Chopper, Brook and Momonosuke on board had to make such a timely entrance, distracting Doflamingo and sending a large barrage of attacks at the vulnerable crew and ship.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Running as fast as I could to try and intercept the demon flamingo from attacking the Sunny, it felt as if my efforts were cut short as Sanji intervened before any lasting damage could be done.

Seeing as Doflamingo was being handled for the mean time, I pulled Law onto his feet and we ran into the dense foliage that was Green Bit. It was clear Doflamingo and Law had a history, and whatever that might be, it was clear they each held a vendetta against the other. My main objective now was to get the raven haired captain as far away from the raging blonde Warlord, seeing as Law was in no shape to fight the man off. As we jumped over the fallen trees and dodged the large branches, our game of cat and mouse recommenced as Doflamingo could be heard raging on the edge of the forest, quickly giving chase to the two of us that ran. 


What an absolute shit show.

"Luffy, I understand the sentiment of wanting to get the Mera Mera No Mi off the market, I really do, but you need to get out of that bloody Colosseum now and help us. Doflamingo and Fujitora have Law, and now we've got Big Mom attacking the Sunny because of Ceaser" I groaned, holding my pained ribs which were clearly broken as I spoke into the Transponder Snail, trying to recover my breath. I was starting to worry that the broken bones would pierce my lungs, seeing as they had been shattered in the fight I had endured with the Warlord. 

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