Chapter 45: Step number one

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Chapter 45:

With three days left to play with Shion, Orion obviously wanted to make the most of it; however, there was a factor that was unaccounted for.

"Shion, why is your buddy here?" Orion complained.

"I came over to visit my dear friend. Naturally he's got to keep me entertained. It's fine isn't it. I leave soon anyway," Avery defended while maliciously grabbing Shion into a tight embrace.

Seeing the smirk on Avery's face, flame of jealousy roared to life as he watched Avery fawn of Shion and pat his hair in an arrogant manner. Being careful with his skin contact, Orion grasped Shion's shoulder and forcefully brought him back to the centre.

"Eh? Avery, you're leaving already?" Shion asked.

"Yeah. I found a job that starts soon, so I've got leave soon. I'll come back to visit and make sure the idiot beside you is treating you ok," Avery cooed.

Orion protested, "Who're you calling idiot!"

"...I don't care how fashionable it is, a fisherman's hat and Burberry scarf to not go together. You look like an idiot through and through," Avery mocked.

"The hat is from the newest line of the magazine I'm promoting," Orion defended.

Truth be told, Orion did look quite spectacular today. In an effort to not be recognized, he'd purposely put on an abominable combination that he considered fashionable. Shion didn't really have any preference for style or clothing since he'd turned up to his classes in plain t-shirts and jeans, so his tolerance toward wardrobe disasters was intolerably high. Unfortunately, Avery was someone who had dreamed of becoming a model once upon a time, and therefore couldn't stand the way Orion was currently dressed.

As the two bickered, Shion took the time to simply enjoy the relationship between Avery and Orion. So many years ago, he would never have believed that Orion could be so human. He'd thought that Orion was so unreachable, such an unrealistic goal that he could barely pass for human. Even the coldest person still needed the warmth of other people. Now he was older and more mature, he was finally beginning to understand the needs of each individual person, and their relationship with the outside world.

Genuinely smiling, he pinched a corner of each of the bickering pair's coats and ushered them forwards. Today, there wasn't a specific goal in mind. It was simply just to go shopping in the mall. The trio headed towards different stores and tried on different clothes, accessories and items of interest. They searched through book stores, shoes stores and even sweet stores until they stopped for lunch. By mid-afternoon, one could practically see the sheen of sweat forming over Orion's covered face. He'd previously thought that shopping consisted mostly of simply following women around, sitting down or hiding in the bathrooms, but today, if he got to sit down for a single minute, it was a lucky moment to be enjoyed.

"Is there a need to rush to the department stores!" Orion groaned pitifully as he sensed the weight of his bags becoming heavier and heavier with each item Avery bought.

Shion turned around with a dangerous glint in his eyes, "My family was once on the verge of bankruptcy. There's now a sale going on where I can buy thing seventy percent off. Are you going to stop me?"

Orion shuddered, "No, no carry on."

Cursing his bad luck, Orion stagged onto a seat to massage his aching legs as he watched Avery and Shion inspecting even more discounted items. Silencing a groaning complaint, he stretched his legs and looked towards an advertisement kiosk. Through the darkness, Orion found the light. He excitedly rubbed his hands together as he sat in his seat waiting for the pair to return.

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