

"We just did sex."


"Is it okay for U?"

"I feel okay. I don't know about U."

He bend a little bit his head, trying to see my face.

"U make me confuse, Giana. Once U very garang, and now...."

"Bukan itu yang ko confuse tu. Ko confuse pasal Erica kan. U still with her, but U fxcking with me."

"I didn't even think about her when I'm fxcking with U. Ko tau kah sa suka ko since kita berkenalan di office Erica?"

"Oh kemon. U just made it up 'cause we just fxcked."

"It was true bah. I just want to know U more, to get close to U."

"Bullshit. Lelaki kalau sudah dapat apa yang diurang mau, they will just leave. U think I don't know?"

Saya berdiri, dan dalam keadaan naked saya pi ambil towel saya yang bersangkut sana dekat almari baju saya.


Terus saya pusing tingu dia. Saya tekajut tiba2 kana panggil guna tu nama.

"I saw ur tattoo."

Oh ya...saya lupa saya naked depan Nate sekarang. Of course he saw it.

"Just a stupid tattoo." Bilang saya.

"No, it's cute. Why Dolly? Is it ur nick name or something like that?"

Why? Pi tanya Miller, napa dia kasih nama saya Dolly. 😏

"Nothing particular, just a randon name."

"Sini bah, sa mo tingu dari dekat."

Saya balut badan saya guna towel then saya jalan dekat dia. Saya berdiri membelakang, slowly tu tangan dia tarik tu towel sampai jatuh atas lantai. Jari2 dia bermain2 sana area tattoo saya.

"U done? Ko bukan tingu tatu sa kan?"

"Hahahahaha....U have a sexy ass, Dolly."

"Don't Dolly me. I have name."

Saya nda suka kana panggil Dolly, it reminds me of that jerk Miller.

"Giana. About the sex just now---"

"Don't worry, I won't tell Rica. Better ko fikir macam mana to make things up with her."

"Yaa...I will. Tapi bulih kah kalau sa sama ko, kita jan cakap pasal dia?"

"Hey, do I need to remind U why U came here? U were asking about her kan tadi?"

"Itu tadi..sekarang lain. Er..can we still meet with each other after this?"

"U mean even if U still with Rica?"


"Hmmmm...." Saya buat2 muka sedang berfikir. Saya duduk atas paha dia, then peluk di leher dia.

"Sure...why not? It will be our little dirty secret."


Sorry, Erica.


Few days after the sex with Nate, we getting closer but with no string attached. You know what I mean? Kami teda declare apa2 relation.

But since he is still with Erica saya sudah kasih tau dia awal2 don't make it too obvious, which means saya nda mo dia suka2 datang jumpa saya sana hotel, or di rumah, or pi ambil saya di bustop, or bawa saya keluar pi makan/minum.

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