Someone occurred to Otoya the moment Ringo said 'they were made to be tight-lipped'.

Shibuya Tomochika!

"Auchh!!" Tomochika screamed in pain as Otoya suddenly threw her to the wall. As usual, they always ended up 'discussing' in a deserted practice room, far from everybody else.

"That's hurt, you dumbass!"

"Oh, yeah? How about this?" Otoya swung his hand before slapping her again. It looked like he was possessed by a demon.

"Otoya, stop!" And as expected, Cecil was there, seemingly defending Tomochika but in reality, only three of them knew the truth. "If you exploded because you think that she has anything to do with what happened to Tokiya, just forget it. I already questioned her but this bitch never admitted it. I assumed that maybe she paid them with something that they really needed and that's why those guys were too hard-headed to tell the truth."

"Who are you calling bitch, Aijima Cecil?" The light purple eyes darkened with burning rage when she expected Cecil to protect her from Otoya. "Just remember, Cecil. If you stand up for Tokiya, Haruka is..."

"So, that's how you are going to play, huh!? That's how you are you going to play!?" Otoya grabbed the girl's collar before strangling her. "You will victimize either Nanami or Tokiya in your game!! What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"I hate them! They deserve to be destroyed..."


"Otoya, let her go! If you get violent like this, it looks like you just accused her without solid evidence and you will be in a serious trouble for that. Just calm the hell down and go back to class, won't you?"

And that was when the situation could not get any worse.

"What the hell are you guys doing, huh!?" Hyuga and Ringo were standing just in front of the door, crossed their arms while looking all pissed off.

In this situation, anybody could assume that Otoya and Cecil or either one of them were the one who attacked Tomochika. With her red cheek from being slapped, disheveled hair and school attire and crying face, she was the obvious victim here.

"Are you okay, Tomo-chan?" Ringo softly applied the icy cloth on the said girl's swollen cheek.

"I am okay," every time the girl winced in pain, it took all for Otoya to not hurt her more since she deserved it.

She had ruined his life. She was the one who asked for it so she really looked spiteful now when she ended up playing victim in this situation. She could sit comfortably and cry all day in Ringo's arms while he and Cecil...

They were standing in front of Hyuga Ryuya's desk, ready to be verbally attacked by the fierce teacher.

"Can anyone explain to me just what the hell happened over there?"

"I slapped her," Otoya replied, surprisingly quick and somehow looked proud of his 'achievement'. "I also strangled her. Cecil had nothing to do with this. He was there because he tried to protect her."

"Or to be exact, I don't want him to be punished if he had been too much. It didn't mean that I tried to protect her," Cecil explained, much to the teachers' puzzlement. Hyuga exchanged looks with his colleague, indirectly asking about their relationship with Tomochika.

"They are supposed to be good friends," Cecil and Otoya had to restrain themselves from rolling their eyes as Ringo answered Hyuga.

Good friends, my foot!

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