Made up my mind

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"Nice for you to actually join us today Jungkook-ah. I haven't seen you in awhile. How have you been honey?" Jungkook is more than sure that he's seeing things. He hasn't been to his parents house in two weeks now, but since he can remember he hasn't necessarily been having dinner with them.

They're usually eating with his father's business associates, or like his mom, spending some gossiping time with a few of her close friends, either while shopping, or at the spa. That's their favorite things to do as a way to spend their free time, which his father rarely has.

It's kind of why it's not any surprise that Jungkook finds himself frozen in place. He was just about to go upstairs to his room, to just maybe get his last assignment for the night finished before going to bed early. He has to go to an hour lecture on a Saturday morning given that his professor had cancelled class for today.

It's the first time that a situation like that has happened to him. Jungkook understands that his professors have lives as well, and sometimes things happen, it doesn't mean he has to like it.

His parents seem to be waiting for him while sitting down at the dining room table. His father like always doesn't even greet him. His belief is that Jungkook should show his respect, and be the one to acknowledge him first.

"Hello mother and father. I have been kind of busy with classes lately, and didn't really think you would even notice if I came here or not. By the way, how did you guys even find out I would be coming in today?"

Jungkook decides to quickly change the subject after having thrown shade at them. His dad glaring at him lets him that he'll be ignoring that comment for now, which is another surprise for Jungkook.

"Oh stop saying nonsense honey. I know we're not always around, but we still try to make a small effort. Anyways, Mrs. Choi informed me that you called in. I know how you always do that to give her ample warning to cook something for you, which I just find so considerate of you."

"Yup, just trying to make things easier for them," Jungkook really is. Mrs. Choi, along with her husband and two teenage daughters are the ones that do the maintenance and cleaning at his parents house four times a week.

During the spring and summer time, it's her husband who does the gardening. With them four Jungkook's mom thinks it's more than enough people to help keep the house well maintained.

"Anyways Jungkook, why don't you go put away your things, and come join us for dinner?" Her mom throws a sweet smile in Jungkook's direction after asking having that question, that Jungkook can't help but get suspicious.

Nonetheless, with a quick nod of his head he does exactly that. Once he joins his parents, Mrs. Choi seems to have already brought out a plate filled with shrimp, mix of vegetables, white rice, and some fruits.


For the first few minutes Jungkook, as well as his parents spend it in silence. Jungkook just finds the situation so surreal. The only person that is missing right now is Junghyun eating with them, to remind Jungkook of the good old days, which were far in between, but nonetheless happened once in a blue moon.

"So I spoke with a few of your professors Jungkook, and they let me know how well you're doing in all of your classes, it's mostly because of that reason that your mother and I wanted to speak with you."

This is the first time that Jungkook's dad is talking directly to him. It must really be a big reason for why he's doing that. "Okay, so than what's that important reason?"

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